NDR Oscar Night---- Best movie ever

John, I agree. I can quote damn near the entire movie. Definitely a classic.

"What, ya buy this hat and get a free bowl of soup...WHOAA....looks good on you...."

I had this really ugly couch about ten years ago. It was a hand me down and my dogs pretty much ruined it. We put it out front and I wrote on a piece of cardboard and propped it up on the couch..."Take This Couch and Get A Free Bowl of Soup!!". People were stopping to read the note with these odd looks. I thought it was pretty clever because I had just heated up some Campbell's Tomato soup and as I walked into the living to eat lunch I looked out and two truckloads of Mexicans were throwing the couch into the back of one of the trucks as fast as they could. I'm sure they couldn't read English and assumed they were stealing it from my garbage. I ran out holding the soup out in front of me....they stopped in their tracks. "Fellas, fellas, fellas!!! You get the soup....here, this IS the free bowl of soup! Comprende?" as I pointed at the sign. They of course had no idea what I was talking about. I can only hope that at least one of them learned how to speak English, watched Caddyshack and eventually "got it".
I can't believe "the Shawshank Redemption" didn't make anyones list. I have watched it dozens of times.

Other good ones:

The Green Mile
We were Soldiers
A lot of great movies have been mentioned and I'll add a few to a long list of outstanding movies:


Schindlers List

The Fugitive

Hunt for Red October

many, many more.......
DANCES WITH WOLVES.......Music, scenery, and hunting. If I had some free wishes due me I would love to be able to pop back to pre civil war days and see America's unspoiled frontier. The scene with the plains indians galloping after the buffalo was one of the most memorable ones for me. The efforts to be authentic with clothing and behavior I thought was great.
Rio Bravo...good one Mitch...wow I just saw that the other day and I'd forgotten how great that movie is. Goodfellas and Bravehart....oh boy I missed those.

This one may be a stretch but how about Full Metal Jacket....."Soul brother too beaucoup!"

I still go with The Outlaw Josey Wales......

Where the Red Fern Grows, The original, the new one isn't as grafic but same story line. After you watch it you'll wan't to give your dog a hug. You need the kleenex to watch that one.
This one may be a stretch but how about Full Metal Jacket....."Soul brother too beaucoup!"

I still go with The Outlaw Josey Wales......

"Me love you long time."

I think Josey is the best quotable movie of all time. So many good lines in it.
"I notice when you get to disliking someone they ain't around for long neither."

A few more honorable mentions.
Holy Grail, great lines + stupid moive = fun time
Airplane, more good lines
Slingblade, Mmmm...hmmmm
Psycho, how could I forget to include some Hitchcock movies. The Birds, North By Northwest.... How about Rope and The Trouble with Harry for the real film nerds.

Battlefield Earth, oops sorry this isn't the worst movie you have ever seen thread :)







OUT OF AFRICA --ROBERT REDFORD & Meryl Streep (okay, i know its a chick flic, but its still a good one..at least there is some hunting in it!)

FORT APACHE -- John Wayne

PORTRAIT OF DORIAN GRAY -- This is an old B-W drama/horror film, cant recall the stars, but it was awesome


BAND OF BROTHERS -- mini series movie

LONESOME DOVE -- Robert Duvall mini series move

TENDER MERCIES -- Roert Duvall (yes, I know, another chick flic, but its actually really good..Robert Duvall is a drunk country western singer..)

TAXI DRIVER -- Robert DeNiro ---"Are You Talking to ME?"

---this list could go on and on....Have a great day everyone!
You know what Tim, now I feel like a real jerk. Just a few months ago I told somebody that Sling Blade was my favorite movie. Now, I wouldn't say that it is officially but it rates much higher than Full Metal Jacket and Caddyshack. Daniel Lanois' music on the soundtrack makes it even better.

"Yes, ma'am. I've killed Doyle Hargraves with a lawnmower blade. Yes, ma'am, I'm right sure of it. I hit him two good whacks in the head with it. That second one just plum near cut his head in two... It's a lil' ol' white house on the corner of Vine Street and some other street. There's a pick-up truck out front that says "Doyle Hargraves Construction" on it. Doyle said besides sending the police, you might wanna send an ambulance or a "hearst". I'll be sitting here, waiting on ye."
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Not one vote for "This is Spinal Tap"?

"But this one goes to eleven".

"Well, it's a very fine line between clever and stupid, isn't it?"

And who could forget the classic lyrics from the soundtrack song "Working on a Sex Farm"?

I also literally fall off my chair laughing every time I watch the movie "Best in Show". The scene in the fly shop with the blood hound owner? Priceless.
THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES--- that is a great movie. I have such a Myrna Loy crush. The Thin Man movies, Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House, Bachelor and the Bobbysoxer....

One of the things I like most about Slingblade is it can be a whole new movie each time you watch it depending on your mood. The first time I thought it was very dark, later I thought it was actually a very heroic story. The last time I watched it I was out in the middle of a lake on the ice and some drinking might have been involved...completely different movie then.

Okay...another Slingblade quote, I can't help it..

"I don't reckon you have to go with women to be a good daddy to a boy. You been real square-dealin' with me. The Bible says two men ought not lay together. But I don't reckon the Good Lord would send anybody like you to Hades. That Frank, he lives inside of his own heart. That's an awful big place to live in. You take good care of that boy."

Every time he says "That Frank, he lives inside of his own heart. That's an awful big place to live in." can't help but start feeling the eyes well up. The other scene is when he goes to where he buried his little brother under the big rock....every single time I start tearing up. I have the soundtrack which I highly recommend and when I hear the song that accompanies that scene it damn near does the same thing. Man, that movie gets me every time...as Joe said on several levels. And Tim you are right....the humor in that movie is better than most comedies and it depends on what kind of mood you're in.