New member. Hello duck boat members.

Bob Holzworth

Active member
My name is Bob and I joined this forum with intent of talking duck, trading stories, and parting with a lifetime collection of duck stuff. I started making decoys in the 1960's, while living in South Jersey and after moving to Maine I continued but switched to Maine style of making decoys. I stopped making decoys in the year 2000. Most of my decoys are marked R H . My waterfowl hunts took me all over South Jersey, Outer Banks, St.James Bay, and of course Maine. So Hello.
Welcome to duckboats! A bunch of good and talented folk here.

Got any pictures of any of your decoys?

I look forward to hearing some stories

Looking forward to reading some stories and seeing some pictures. What duck boats have you used over the years? What is your preferred quarry?
Good morning, Bob~

Welcome! You've got us all anxious to see some pictures - decoys, gunning vessels, Jersey, Maine....

All the best,


Welcome Bob. Great group here. I look forward to reading of your adventures.
Welcome Bob. I too have lived in S Jersey now for many years, we've probably hunted some of the same areas.
Good morning, Bob~

Great work!

I enjoyed a fine Eider hunt - thanks to Troy Fields - up your way several years back - and reported here:;do=post_view;search_string=eiders#p256855

I have never carved any of these gorgeous birds - but have painted a few for others. Here are some Homer Decoy Eiders I coated and painted last Fall (along with some Chesapeake puddlers):

View attachment Macioch - Chesapeakes and Homer Eiders.JPG

As I have done with numerous other species, I have posted a painting Tutorial on my own website:

BTW: My first boat was a 16-foot garvey. If I still lived on the coast - I'm up in dairy country these days - I would build myself another. Handy little vessels!

All the best,

