No one ever went broke....

Ok the limit of ducks is six and in most places 15 for doves how bad of a shoot would you have to be to be to lazy to bend over or crawl around on your hands an knees and pick up the empties ?

You must never hunt hay fields or wheat stubble. 10 empties can be hard to find in them at times. 15 doves have never meant only 15 shots for me or anyone I've ever hunted with.

I don't understand why it isn't just seen as good sense to swing a magnet back and forth a few times to make sure you get most of the empties. Sometimes in a hay field you will not find half of them even if you do crawl around.

I'm not going to get an overpriced one just for the name but for $10 it isn't a big deal.

I have the harbor freight magnet mounted to a golf club shaft, actually have two, one in the boat and one in the pit.

Pick up spent shells in the water from the boat. Where it really shines is in the snow goose pit. After putting out and picking up 500-1000 decoys the last thing my old back wants to do is bend over and pick up 50-200 spent shells.

Fine piece of equipment, for the lazy hunter.
I hear thee Tim, it's all part of the HUNT. Most of the empties I clean up from others, would not take much work to find. What pisses me off is when "hunters" put them in a pile for others to pick up. Without question it is worse now than in the past, as few folks reload and some just don't give a damn. If you gave them that $40 contraption, they would tell you where to Stick It.

Does not matter if I'm hunting or fishing. I always pick up at least a small bag of garbage left by others. My feeling is many others on this site do the same. Thank You!
I use something similar regularly. We have several at out shotgun club, and it sure makes clean up a lot easier. We have a number of members that 80 is a distant memory, and bending to pick up spent shells would be a challenge.

That said I would not pay $40.00 for that product.
I actually have a pretty good vocabulary, but what the #$&@ is [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]neodymium?

It's classified as a rare earth magnet but actually quite common. Some neodymium is used for lasers but the bulk is used for speakers, microphones, etc.

As many of you have said, we as a rule pick up after ourselves AND others. I developed the habit of scrounging hulls many, many years ago when it paid to reload (1963) and it has stuck with me. It is interesting to see what other people are shooting. Another point that hasn't been mentioned is that I wouldn't want to advertise a good spot to hunt from. The ones that really get my goat are the road hunters that leap out of the truck and blast away leaving evidence of their stupidity right there. One of my favorite ND spots is covered with hulls every year so I get to "adopt" that section of road. Overpriced gadget though my back does appreciate the idea.