Yes, It was with Tony Hunt... Great Dog and a Great guy...Tony is tons of fun.. I had a ball.. Red, my CBR, went out on a mark that Tony threw and brought back a Surf Scooter that Tony had shot during the Season... I was looking at Red coming back with this black thing and trying to figure out what my dog is doing to me.. Red gets 20 yards away and I figure it out that Tony had a frozen bag of Sea Ducks...
OOO YES !!!THEN I am going to tell you I had the best lunch... OOO MAN, This really nice lady made lunch for every one from soup, that rocked, to nuts....
I would love to spent more time with the training group... I get down at Cheltingham(sp, I think) maybe 1 or 2 times a year.. Shame it was 50 miles and traffic lights one way.. John