October Workbench...

These are Al McCormick Black Ducks - now enjoying life as Mallards.

Steve, I just love your "feather flow gunners" as in this hen.
Hey Steve.... Black Duck Lives Matters might be ticked off with you because off the Uncle Tom Mallard repaints.

BTW nice job as Steve said Nice flow on your gunners

Good morning, Frank~

Yes, yes they will! With any luck, they be joined by others of the McCormick lineage.

See you soon,


first pair painted- a few things i don't like - the hen's marking are in line too much for one thing

need to blend the drake's head colors better

but I like the color mix - so- still learning, the rest of the flock is in progress


Haven't posted in a while, but I've been busy. Working on some Philadelphia style teal for the rig, a nekkid shot of a phila wood duck, and bought an old Cedar Garvey I'm going to re glass.

Steve - Great job as usual. You truly posses a talent to transform a lifeless block of cork and wood into a living work of art.

By the way should any of those birds look vaguely familiar?

That particular McCormick pair is headed to East Patchogue. However, there are 4 more in the queue that should look very similar in a week or so.

All the best,



Great birds - but that Garvey really catches my eye! It deserves its own thread - because it really cannot fit up on your bench.

All the best,


Good morning, John~

That's one sweet Ringbill! Nice to see the traditional regional carving details.

All the best,



Those two are magnificent. You retired guys kill me. I would love to spend a rainy day in the shop instead of being out and about in it.

Bob, That's a excellent pair of decoys. The hen is way over the top. If they were mine I would probably quit hunting and would instead just sit around and admire them. Beautiful, Jeff