and you won't have to go to the chiropractor at the end of each day.
Pete, I may suffer from a few aches and pains but at least I'm no where near as OLD as somebody I know who lives in Wisconsin. Didn't you just celebrate a milestone birthday a few days ago??? huh? Just how does it feel to be 60 ??
If you go air nailer, make sure you watch the cord though that you dont trip yourself...
Dani, Yep, thanks for the heads up. Don't want to make one long step to the ground for sure!
Thanks for the info Don, I'll check it out and reply to your PM.
Give me your CC number and I will pick it up for you and drop it off at your house next Sunday.
Phil, Even better,,,,,,,,,,,,,, skip your trip to the store and just show up at my place. I'll have the nailer waiting for you.[/font]
Paul, What a
great idea!!! I'm going to need a quick demo on how that one operates. I'm a slow learner and you may have to repeat the "demo" about 7200 times. Plan to show up about the same time as Phil.
I have done 3 roofs all with borrowed Bostich coil roof nailers. Never had issues.
Eric, Thanks, Bostitch was one I was considering.
but Dave, you don't have what it takes to get me to help you (curves is a good starting point).
Oh come on now Andrew, I've got "curves",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, wadda you mean they're not in the right places?????? BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Bridget, Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.
Do not push to fast... Good luck... Bostich would probably be easier to resell...
Tim, Don't worry about old men moving too fast, won't be a problem. As to resale value, yes I was thinking a mid-price gun would have the most marketshare on the used market.
Most nailers have an adjustment on the nose piece that is completely independent of the air pressure. THAT is where you need to make the adjustment to set the nail depth. The nose piece, or safety, is the part that has to be depressed for the gun to "fire".
Dwayne and Pete, Yep Dwayne is right about the adjustment. Had that figured out just by looking at them. BTW. I ran a rental business for 12 years and we ALWAYS made sure the customer knew how to properly and safely use and adjust any equipment before it left the premises. We wanted the repeat business,,, go figure. :>)