Once upon a time....before the internet.....

Steve Sutton

Well-known member
people used to read....and some of the stuff they read was "good stuff".....unladen by veiled advertisement covering everything from, "how they got there", to what brand of seasoning was used on the meal prepared after this pair or waders, and that underwear, and this hat, and that call, and those shells through that choke and that gun, had been "harvested".......

Sadly, for those who love to read, the hardest hit genre seems to be what used to be called "the field sports", specifically "hunting and fishing"....the internet, and A River Runs Through It, (the movie not the book), conspired to trash, IMO, most good writing about fishing while the internet and an ever growing Waterfowling Gear Industry did the same to hunting which seemingly has become all "young guns" and "harvesting", (when did we decide that we needed to "barbie down" the fact that we went afield to "kill" our quarry?), and can only be accomplished if "some" combination of the latest "in vogue" products are used....

Once in awhile though, every once in awhile, people who still like to read stumble upon small gems....stories that tell you about themselves and not the products used to "harvest" yet another tailgate load of bragging rights......you have to look, and much of it is "old" but if you've never read it before then its "new" no matter the age, right?

To that end I have to pass on the 30 some year old article from Sports Illustrated, (those who remember when SI had an "outdoor column" will surely date themselves in admitting that), that Ed Kavanaugh sent me today....a "story" about growing up in a family that was "outdoor oriented" and how that affected the authors entire life.....how it dictates those that you idolize and leads you to discoveries in your life.....

Things such as that are "enough" to make the attached story a very special read but truly "great" writing needs to strike a deeper cord to be considered that......this one, to me, (and I recognize what "I" think is "great" will be considered "tripe" to others), qualifies as "great" because it focuses on my own "hunting and fishing idol" and brought back memories of my first exposure to him, and how, like the author, he shaped my "favorites" and "goals" from a waterfowling viewpoint......the author of the article might well have "grown up" on the storied Brant Grounds of NJ but he had no greater regard for them, or desire to pursue them, nor did he "revere" the person that had led him to those feelings than I did for the bird and the man.....

So much so that at 16 I took my first "waterfowling trip" to hunt NJ for Brant, as close to the place that the author had written about, as I could......if there is a "foundation" for almost 45 years of waterfowling across the United States and Canada its Brant, the NJ Coastal Marshes and the man who the author of this article had the honor to hunt with.....



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I enjoyed the article!. Got a better kick out of yours though. You can type as much as you would like because I, for one, will read it.
Steve, you pitched it perfectly, then the article delievered right on cue.

Thanks for that one. I sure like those old stories. I have all of Gordon's stuff, some on tape too. Wish I had more of it.

If you dig any more out, let me know.
I have always loved Heilner's " A book on Duck Shooting"

My wife bought me a used copy one christmas. Inside was a dedication from the original owner.......

"To Bill from Jane, Welcome home + Merry Christmas 1945" I always thought that was neat.
That was a good read Steve. Although I think you may have stumbled upon the seminal article for todays writing style:

"the sharp smell of Hoppe's No. 9 Solvent rose strongly from the guns in our laps."

The reference isn't as pervasive and blatant as in the writing of today but it is quite possible that a full page ad for Hoppe's No. 9 followed the article.
I chose to believe that the guy just liked the smell of that particular elixir and wasn't trying to hawk it....

Befroe someone else points it out I will say that the one line in the story that I didn't like was his reference to Brant being "monumentally stupid" because of their habit of "balling up over the decoys".....I'll note that Heilner never referred to Brant as "stupid" nor did any of the other authors that wrote in the "heyday" of Waterfowl writing........another one of those assignations of "human definition" to "animal habits" that to me, is not only wrong, but demeaning....

Go find some Sage Grouse....and a Wolf of two hundred.....

of god. Kavanaugh only sends me his literary works about strolling in the footsteps of long passed dogs and the roar of the freight engines in his head. Never have a received a viable read like this. Steve, thank you for taking us on this wonderful journey of uncluttered pre-internet purity. Kavanaugh, no more stories of your outdoor ramblings with your mouth agape in awe of the frost emitting between breaths. Bwhahahaha
Two things:

1. Steve I sent you that in confidence. Now I'm only left with Blue Mountain Lake, PA as my secret hunting spot. Thanks a lot. Next time I go medieval on a whale, its on you.

2. There is no "u" in my last name. A ewe is a female sheep. Is that what you think of me, boy? (no) No sir! [name the movie]

Ewe (you) mean there is no "U" in Kavanaeweugh? Maybe "ewe" were following the wrong hound into the woods?
Cant call the movie, not sure if I am up on my Broke-Back Mountain/Flashdance-like flicks like ewe (you) and Sutton....
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It isn't like I'd want to sit at a polynya and shoot one with a rifle, it would be fair chase in open water, ideally.
Will the kayak be seal skinned? I see there are a bunch of seals on Long Island if you need a few... but that might be internet scouting.

Scientific permit to take several Belugas from the Cook Inlet population that is soon to be listed as "endangered"....maybe you could get them to let you 'heave the lance" on that "kill em to see if there are enough of them to kill" scientific sampling expedition.......

You'll need to bludgeon a seal so you can make a float out of his skin if you want to be really traditional.....the pups make the best ones cause with that white fur you can use it for a pillow after the hunt....

Thanks Steve.

I have maybe 25-30 old Outdoor Life and other outdoor magazines from the 1950-1970's...the wife has suggested the round file or, not sure she liked the response. I tried to explain that those were treasures from my youth and contain some very fine writing not seen any more.

Will the kayak be seal skinned? I see there are a bunch of seals on Long Island if you need a few... but that might be internet scouting.


I've got my own seal spot, I don't need to internet scout :).