Our 4 legged partners photos

Might as well join in on this one. A very good idea. This is the new boy Maxx (Maxx-A-Muck) and a few hunting shots. So far if it has feathers he will bring it back. The last one is the old girl Siren who died this october and although I have alot of hunting photos of her the shot of her palying with our great niece really shows what kind of good old girl she was. Probably the most people friendly chessie I have ever seen.

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Got to throw in some pictures of Chance

This was last season, about 18 months old
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a cold January day
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This January 2011 -- about 2.5 yrs old
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Good Boy...
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Wish I had more action photos, but I always seem to forget. I'll try next season, only two days left for ducks and I'm chasing geese after that....


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We'll start with some long past partners.

Here is Gyr(falcon) and Brook(english springer) on opening day on goose season on Maryland's Eastern Shore in about 1984. Brook retrieved the first goose with Gyr watching as a first year dog. She wouldn't let him retrieve any more birds that day. Brook was great on doves, woodcock, ducks and geese.

Following those two, was Blade. This was the first day of our first trip to Canada. He was the only dog and retrieved all of these birds for 5 or 6 hunters on that first day. He was tired.


Then there was Ruger. A true meat dog. You can read about him in the memorials.


Kip is the current on deck dog. He has been tremendous. He was my first dog that I followed a formal training program and did hunt tests. He has hunted grouse in Manitoba, geese in Saskatchewan, ducks throughout the PNW, sea ducks on Puget Sound and brant on the west coast. He is truly a great dog and shows his spirit every single day in the boat or blind.




And in training is Brant. He will also be an awesome hunter cause he has a great teacher.



Few pics over the last few years.

North Dakota, nice king.

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Assateague Brant, hes not picky
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Chesapeake Widgeon, This one wasn't hit very hard and was swimming off and then started diving on him. persistence pays off.

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He will also run like a Pointer, hard to get close action shots in the field that show the intensity.

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and will stop when he finds something.

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Since are about to get pounded with snow I figured I'd dig up some summer pictures.

This ones from camping up in Nicolet National Forest in northern Wi. Bridgett was helping me with a little training and enjoying the warm weather.
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I can't remember what we were getting load up for by Kodiak wanted to make sure he was going with. He sat in the back of the truck looking out the side window while I loaded up.
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Here's Neige. She was a great dog.


Here's my girl Molly with her first limit.

And on our latest hunt on Long Island.

Here's our newest pup Finn. Hopefully I'll have some hunting pictures of him next year.

This thread has been enjoyable. Very nice to see other members dogs in action and just general enjoyment we get from them. Now all I have to do is keep from going crazy with duck season closed.

This is Lucy she turned 11 this December. She's my first duck dog. It's going to be hard to replace here. This picture was taken about 4 years ago.
