Picture heavy - One of the things I like...

MLBob Furia

Well-known member
....about my son being at Bowling Green State University is that I get to make a side trip to Jaqua's every time I pass Findlay on the way to or from BGSU. Next year, another of my sons will start at BG, so I get to regularly visit the gun room there for at least four more years.

My wife will occasionally be with me, and I actually think she prefers being there to make sure I have the proper "adult supervision" and don't do anything foolish.


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Oh my, just look at all those SXS's:
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And still more:

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Actually, I got to thinking that since both boys are on scholarships, the wife might go for me dropping 8 grand on a plain Winchester 21 with Briley chokes. I mean, think of the money we've saved on their educations! Or I could go the "economy" route and just spend $7500 on a nicely engraved Model 23. I think I drooled on the carpet in front of these:

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After all, she'd probably think a plain 'ol 21 would be a bargain when compared to this one:

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Very nice Bob. I've never had the pleasure of visiting their showroom. I do, however, have them in my favorites and check their stock at least once a week on line. Talked to them a time or two also. I think it's probably a good thing that they aren't closer to me.
Thanks for the pictures Bob,

I'm going down stairs to look over my 870 and think of that Purdy.

Thank goodness that place isn't near my home. I dont know how you can see it all in one visit. Looks like they have some rifles as well...........

Nice selection, If you are shopping for my birthday, please know that I would be happy with any gun you might pick out. :>) :>) :>) :>) :>) (you can see I am really happy)
My, but those double barrels look sweet. Does one who owns such beauty "never" take it hunting? I happen to know a guy who sells Krieghoff guns. I'll bet those cases cost more than my Nova. Thanks for the pics.
Pete & Dave:

It's kind of like a trip to "Mall of America" for guys. I knew when I started calculating that a purchase could add 3,000 - 5,000 "bonus points" to my Cabelas Visa, that it was time to leave.

Bob B:

Yep, rifles, pistols, but mostly fine O/U's & SxS's. That's why I have to make so many visits.

If you ever get a chance to come to London UK you must visit Purdy,s then you will drool over some sxs,s Purdy,s only make guns to order and their price list starts at £90,000 and upward pluss there is a 2 years waiting list for them, if it was me I would have one for everyday of the week , but me being Eddie I will stick to my Beretta, because I car,nt stick these cheap guns HeHeHe
Amazing pieces of art, MLBob! Thanks for sharing.

I've been to Purdy's Eddie, very nice, lots of history. I remember another gun shop in London near the Queen's place. Maybe it was Purdy's. Been a while. (86')
That last one with the sculpted side plates intrigues me. Any chance you remember what make that was?
John Bourbon

The very last picture? I don't remember, but there were a pair of them in the case.

The gun in the picture before that with the sheep engraving on the sidelocks was a double rifle of some sort.

Darn! Now I'll have to stop back when we go up for orientation in June or July and check that out for you.


I'm sure I'd love a trip to Purdy's. On past visits, I have seen Purdy's at Jaqua's that Were tagged $90,000 American. Nothing approaching that this time - must be the economy ;-)


I think you're right. The contents of my gun safe wouldn't put a dent in the cost of the vast majority of guns on their racks. I'll have to stick with my Ithaca /SKB SxS which was modeled after the Winchester 21. Besides, I'm not afraid to take it hunting and get mud & blood all over it, or that I'll put a ding in the stock.

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The year I shot my Kodiak brown bear, the guy I was hunting with finally had a chance to take his trophy. I got him within 75 yards, with the bear above us on the mountain side. When the bear decided to sit up and look around, the guy took out a piece of flannel from his hunting shirt pocket, set it on the crotch of the tree, then he put his rifle on it. I thought I was seeing things.
If the bear had charged or just come downhill towards you after the shot, wonder which would take priority, keeping the gun in mint condition, or, "lets get $%*@ outta here"?
We have 2 purdys in England that is priceless, (1 ) being the gun used by Lord Rippon, he was the best shot of the Victorian era, and (2 ) a purdy that was made for King George 5th our present day Queens father.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond.
Bob, I know the feeling. After my first visit to Bill Jaqua's, I began thinking $4000 to $5000 guns were a bargain! Great pics.

Eddie, do they ever let you touch Lord Ripon's gun, just to see if some of the "magic " is transferable? I sure enjoy reading of his exploits.
Nobody gets to touch that mate I wished I could, so I could have some of his magic, that was a good old hammer gun and I bet pulling those hammers
back plus the pull on the trigger action was sweet, I cut my teeth on those type of guns, only mine was a cheap pre war Belgium Hammer gun and I did,nt miss much with it, since I retired it I have not shot has good with any gun.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond.