
I was wondering if one of you fellows could inform me on how I can post pictures from my camera after I put them on the computer. I mean like when you put pictures where it shows your name when you make a post. The really good part of this is that my son owns a computer company that does web pages and I just can't make myself call him and let him know just how dense I am about computers. Thanks in advance for any help
If you hit the "edit profile" feature at the top of the page, you should get an avatar browser to select a picture for below your name from your photo file.
MLBoB, I did what you said then I found the picture I wanted to use and put that code I think it was like IMG0004 and when I put it in it does not do anything. Sorry to bother you with this but this is a case where I will have to get my son to help me step by step.
Use your photo program to re-name your pictures to jpeg then size them down till they meet the requirements.
This is the help forum-;

The key thing for inline pictures is they have to be 100kb or less in size and the name cannot have any spaces and works better if it is only numbers and letters.

Uploading from your computer is pretty easy just make sure you check the inline box.

You have to type this into the text of your message where you want the picture to appear- [inline xxxxxxx.jpg] where xxxxxx is the name of a jpg file, I think it will accept .png format too.

Posting an image in a message body and putting an "avatar" are too entirely different things. I am at work right now but I can help you more tonight when I get home if you are willing to wait. I will write you a step by step guide. First thing that may be of some help is the images file size. To post an image in a message's body, it must have less than 100Kb. To use the same image as an avatar, it file size must be reduced farther still, below 32 Kb.

Picture's file size is dependent on 2 major things-
1. The images overall number of dots. An image that has 800X600 dots, has an actual number of 480,000 pixels that represent a certain color. The more dots a picture has, the larger its file size will be. So the same image reduced to 640X480 will have less dots and a smaller file size.

2. Image Content & Compression - A jpeg image use's compression to store all the data that represents which color a specific pixel will show. If you posted an image that was all completly white, the file basically says to the computer "display white for every pixel". An image with two colors, the file tells the computer place white in pixels 1-500, place black in pixels 500-800, etc. The level of compression you use changes the threshold where the computer sees different colors. So no compression at all, each individual pixel stores its unique color, with high compression many colors that are similar may be changed to one value, so that the computer can only store one piece of data that will represent many pixels in the image to reduce file size. While this reduction in data reduces file size, it also reduces the quality of the image as seen to the human eye.

Basically first reduce an images number of dots using photo software. Most monitors use a resolution of 1024X768. So if you reduce your image to less than that it will all fit on the screen at one time, and the person viewing it wont have to pan to see the entire image. I usually reduce it to 800X600 or 640X480. FOR AN AVATAR, you will need even smaller, try 100X100.

Then apply compression until the file size is small enough, or continue applying it to reduce the file size even more. This will let the image load over the internet faster, just don't go so far that the image turns unpleasurable to view it.