Please keep MLBob Furia in your thoughts and prayers

Good to hear you heeded your symptoms after the negative stress test. Beyond the degree of occlusion at your lesion sites that the angiogram evidenced, you also likely developed good collateral circulation that served your physiologic demands, until now, so the by-pass channels will add significantly greater blood flow. Good to hear that your CD recognized the low success of pursuing angioplasty, since he/she concluded that the lessions were too highly stenosed to enable them to get the guide wire through to enable the balloon catheter to be inserted and expanded to "crack" your lessions, which would also liberate significant particles to move downstream and raise your risk of stroke. Too often CDs fail to turn patients over to the thoracic surgery team for by-pass, ignoring "Dirty Harry's" admonition on recognizing individual limitations...
[size 4] Thanks to all for the good wishes and pm's full of encouragement.

Fourth full day at home and I'm up to walking for an hour in 4- 15 minute segments. Adhering strictly to the no lifting, pulling, pushing anything over 5 lbs.

Sleeping well and managing any soreness with non-narcotic pain relievers. Moved some wing reference up from the shop and into the studio today, and I'll see how sitting in the studio to paint goes tomorrow.
After my mid-day walk today. Feeling great!

View attachment IMGP4074 (2).JPG
Getting back to small doses of other things I enjoy as well:

View attachment IMGP4076 (2).JPG
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Good morning, Bob~

I am so glad to hear you are on the mend - always look forward to your fine work.

All the best,



Hey Bob,

Yer lookin' good, but I'd like to see the calling drake Wood Duck yer standing in front of. [;)]

Just kiddin'.

Music is very good medicine. Glad that yer back at it.

Best regards
MLBob Furia said:
Vince Pagliaroli said:
Hey Bob,

I'd like to see the calling drake Wood Duck yer standing in front of. [;)]

Not a problem.

That's one of two I did at the same time. Kept this one for myself, Vince


Who The Man? [cool]

He The Man! [smile]

Thanks for the photo's.


Glad your on the mend and doing well Bob. Really glad to see you putting some time into those beautiful Guilds! My music partner came up needing that procedure last fall as well. Slim trim fit guy always working on some home project. You never know. Glad you didn't put it off. Makes me rethink some issues I've wondered about lately
Did anyone ever diagnose your dyslipidemia? With [pre-surgery "numbers" coming back good via your labs. on a 10mg dose of atorvastatin, and a family history of CAD risk, I am guessing you are a congenital producer of primarily small dense LDL-C rather than a mix with large "fluffy" particle size LD-C. The small dense LDL-C "producers are essentially making a type of LDL-C particle that readily penetrates the "cracks" around the damaged endothelial cells when they alter their structural array to become columnar in your neointimal lining in response to the chronic inflammation cascade mediated by cytokines and high BP.

Sorry, I should have sent this to you earlier. Note bullet point number 4 under the Downsides summary header:

WebMD has a similar statement regarding ibuprofen use in CAD patients post-surgery. Both of these are based on the FDA Advisory Comms.' recommendations on non-COX selective NSAIDs after the COX-2 selective agent withdrawals, which occurred nearly twenty years ago. This is why I shake my head on their Non-opiate analgesic treatment choice...even with a low-dose ibuprofen component, the molecule has a higher pro-thrombogenic effect that several other widely RXed NSAIDs.

Your head should be clearing from the anesthesia's effects now!
[size 4] Rick,

As I said, I have complete confidence in my surgical team and cardiologist, so I'll probably stay off Web MD and trust them to do what needs to be done.[cool]