Political Rant


Well-known member
I know we don't talk politics much here, and that is fine by me. I have to ask though, am I the only one tired of all this beating up on President Bush? I mean really! To hear these people speak, you'd think he was personally responsible for the economy, Iraq, 9/11 etc etc. For the record, I stood behind him 8 years ago, and I stand behind him now. He is our president. I think he served with dignity and character, and dealt well with some tough situations. As I see it (short list):

Going into Iraq was right. I'd rather see a strategy to win than to retreat.

Bush is not responsible for the economy getting bad.

To the best of my knowledge, he did not defile the oval office.

Terrorism on US soil ceased shortly after 9/11.

Sorry to bring this up, but I've just had an ass full of the NPR types badmouthing him 24/7

Believe it or not, I'm actually kind of glad that the "other guy" won, because I really don't think ANY President can do too much about the economy, and it will be good to hear everyone complaining about the Democrats for a while.

I am a little worried about pulling out of Iraq prematurely though, and leaving a power vacuum like is in other parts of the middle east, and like WAS in Afghanistan.

Take care,
One of the great embarassments of my lifetime is how our president has been treated. I didn't like Bill Clinton but I treated him the dignity and respect because he was my president and the most powerful man in the world. Unfortunately I cannot say the same for W detractors...pure hatred. George Bush is so maligned that it's almost biblical. Very bizarre.

And speaking of biblical...what's up with all the Inaugeration celebrations...concerts all over the place. TV ads with New Years Eve themed excitment. On New Years Eve one of the networks had a 5 minutes Barack Obama celebration during the middle of the broadcast.

There are dance clubs in Chicago advertising Inaugeration day celebrations at their clubs. I'm talking huge clubs...one is an old church. It's a little scary if you ask me...kind of biblical.
I agree. We as Americans must show respect for our leader no matter what. I was sick to my stomach when Obama won the election. But that is past me now. He is our President and I will respect ans support that. Try explaining that rationality to these bleeding heart liberals. They are the real problem, not Bush. I am embaresed by the way Bush has been disrespected. The shoe thrower supporters should "ALL" be thrown in jail at least over night................Kevin
Just wait, these same assholes will jump down Obama's throat when he doesn't Kow tow to the far left homo way of thinking. While I am sick of seeing these zealots blathering their hate, with no solution of their own for any problem at hand, it certainly shows the rest of the world the freedom we have in this country.
I fully agree with you. Bush can only do what Congress allows. He isn't to blame for the ecomomy. If we need to save on money for our country to survive, then maybe we shouldn't be giving billions in aid to others. Bush did exactly what I wanted for the 8 years he was in office, he didn't allow any more attacks on American soil. I have sent many letters and emails out thanking him, and asking my senators and congressmen to pubically stand up for Bush, and thank him themselves.
I agree. We as Americans must show respect for our leader no matter what. I was sick to my stomach when Obama won the election. But that is past me now. He is our President and I will respect ans support that. Try explaining that rationality to these bleeding heart liberals. They are the real problem, not Bush. I am embaresed by the way Bush has been disrespected. The shoe thrower supporters should "ALL" be thrown in jail at least over night................Kevin

Yes, I am sick of seeing election bumper stickers on cars(from both sides)...IT"S OVER, we're all on the same team now (I hope). If "your side" won, quit gloating, if they lost, get over it. A guy at work still has one of those stupid 'W' ovals on his car (Regardless of like him or not, I thought that was a STUPID sticker), meanwhile my neighbor is driving around with an Obama, Granhom (Michigan Govener) and a Kerry sticker on their car, they'd still have a Gore sticker if they hadn't changed cars.

That's my rant...it's time to be one country again.
In my opinion, anybody that has a Jenny sticker on their car oughta be arrested for stalking. That's about the only reason I can possibly imagine for touting her governance.
With the last election and they way Sara Palin and John McCain were treated by the Demorcrates, I am not ready to support the President and Congress yet. They are going to have to prove to ME they deserve my respect and support. The way they are handling banking crisis with more money flying out with being accountable leaves my dissatified with are congress. And Obama going to dinner when Pres Bush gives his fairwell speech shows no respect from him. NO I do not yet support the new PRESIDENT. HE needs to earn it
Well I guess someone has to disagree. The war in Vietnam was a mistake and so is the second war in Iraq. We are there because Bush's agenda has always been to finish what his father started.Our concentration should have been on Afganistan. Half ass effort gives you half the intended result. The military has said that and I agree. Do it right or don't do it at all. As far as the economy goes. That is the result of deregulation turning into greed. My father who passed last year at 89 said at the time Vietnam was no big deal. Twenty five years later he told me that I was right not wanting to go which in the end I didn't have to. He felt Iraq was wrong and at first I thought it was right. This time he was right. The other time was the only time I can remember he was ever wrong. He was my hero.
You Should listen to Hannity and Limbua to find out more than one side. I was in the Military and do not agree with either statement about the WAR. With LEFT WING media who will not show support or what good we have done, (any where in the world) I understand some folks thinking. I understand folks not blaming Clinton and Barney Frank for there part in the down fall of the the derag of the housing market that started are economy going south. also Nancy Polisey , Harry Reid ,ect. Let the blame go where it should, and not blame Bush for the sky being blue. The last eight years I have been sickend by the constant news media being byist to the left , Ops still being byist. Thank goodness for Fox News (yes angry Conservative)

what i'm hearing is a bunch of belly achers trying to justify voting for one of the worst presidents this country has ever had, period.....
i feel the same way. my dad said, and its the best i have heard so far on the bush era, "some would have done different, but they couldnt have done any better". it is a crappy time to be president, and no matter how had been elected in 2000, or 2004, no matter if they had handled things differently, they couldnt have done any better. i will always support the bushes.
on the other hand, i cant support a murderer, terrorist, or communist. end of story.