Real Names

It has been rather unseasonable---still finding skeeters on the marsh-sometimes in droves---no wind this morning-too still--woke up, looked out, went back to bed---was up in Vermont with Bomber a few weeks ago-drove up in a snowstorm from lake george on----first morning hunt, i experencied exhaled ari from nose freezing on my moustache-This is simply a little glitch in the weather pattern, not a major climate alteration---i have begun to like not having to break ice every morning, though--ah well, tomorrow is another day for all of us-meanwhile, enjoy HIS day!
Merry Christmas All

I use my real name everywhere, it makes me think twice about what I say.....believe it or not!

George, It's gonna be sporty tomorrow, I hope some brant fly. The paint has just dried and I've been waiting all year for the 26th!! I hear there a plenty around.

Maybe I am a little over sensitive , but I think the original post should have never been made and the moderate if there was and issue with a username should have Pm me or anyone else that they had a concern about rather than going public on the forum. As a new member this has not been what I call a friendly welcome to this forum . It looks like a great site to come to , but I would like to have my registration disable and wish you guys the best . Have been a regular on many forums and have many friends there , but not feeling very welcomed here . Take care

Jim Rudd ( Ruddyduks)
Todd: thanks for the great post,was thinking the same a few days back, but was kind of reluctant to post . thank. Bill

The registration process is automated, unless I want to manually validate ever person who signs up and I don't. I don't know a fraction of the names people have signed up with and it would take a TON of time to locate them and PM each of them. That's why when you signup there are those two little sentences asking you use your real name. I think Todd's post is a great way to spread the word and encourage folks to change their login names.

Please don't take this personally. I don't think anyone pointed the finger at you. We just stated we want real names or close variants. If that is unreasonable that's your decision. But don't think think this whole thread is aimed at you. It wasn't. Stick around and you will find the whole thing humorous in the coming weeks, months, years........ Some folks find this place as home and stay a log time even after getting theor feeling hurt.
I don't think we are being antagonistic when what is being pointed out, are the rules and guidelines ALL have been asked to follow when they registered.

"Using your real name is appreciated and generally expected. Please leave the "DuckGod" and "KillEmAll" screen names to other sites."

I guess some choose to ignore or overlook the above simple two sentences. I thought we were pretty clear.

I do hope you might reconsider and stick around awhile, I think you'd like it here.
Jim, don't go, you seem like a good man. When I added to this post, I had no idea about your issue. We all take turns getting kicked in the teeth even if we really weren't ; )

Posting on a forum is like telling a joke. Most of the time it works, but sometimes it doesn't and sometimes we all get too sensitive, I know I do.

PS: HuntinDave, don't you dare change your name, it suits you and it wouldn't be the same without the "huntin".
I don't even click on posts by alias named posters....unless I see responses by real people. I went by Lee until Lee Slikkers and Lee McManus started posting..with 3 Lee's I went to just Harker cause I didn't want to do all that typing...then I figgered out I could past, or dbl click and get my whole name back up. Wonder whatever happened to McManus???? Jim, I don't think you'll find anyone begging you to are sure welcome to come and go as ya please and this is a VERY friendly place.
As far as that goes, how do I even know YOU are real? Your avatar looks like a stick figure and I'm not sure if that is a pathetic reindeer beside you or a dog on steriods. I know I hunted with a guy that claimed to be Lee Harker, was he any relation to you? BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I'm wis boz and my real name is Jim Bosanny but it wasn't until the 4th grade that I learned how to spell my last name :-)
Jim Bosanny (the old WWII Fart!)
Dave, remember that it only takes two on the little geese! we hope to play a bit in the morning with the new gang of gaddies---the other puddlers are still around, so each day had been an adventure-the morning will tell! Be safe down there!
Yeah I know it's only two. I like watching and hearing the little buggers as much as shooting them anyway.

There will only be two of us too. I had 5 of us lined up but three have crapped out on me. There might be a big goose or two in the area too, like you said.....the morning will tell!!

my real name is Randy Miller....miller4546, i use my email address, because on some other sites i was on, someone tracked down by real name and then my residence, and broke into my house and cleaned me out. i moved since then, and now i,,i have to look out not only for my family and our possessions now and for the future. that is why i use my email info....sorry if this offends anyone, but i can not afford another incident.... and the guy was caught , but nothing was recovered. and he already got out of jail after 5 months.. good behavior...
I like real names sort of. Location in general My full name in the profile. Since there is more than one Pete on the site and my Email is Wispete. I'm a little bit lazy and old and it's much simpler to use the same handle. This is a great site because most of the time we are respectful of one another. Members are both humorous and serious. I now have quadzillion bookmarks for sites and information that I would never would have had otherwise. Sharing with people who have the same passion for hunting, boats, decoys and love of the outdoors, is neat. The wide range of hunting experiences that the members share. Coming from the land of ice and snow who in my area would think about Alligators while hunting, or ocean tides. I'll probably never hunt a mountain goat or shoot a grizzly but I heard about it here first hand. cool. Humor is important it smoothes some of the rough edges that life throws your way. Besides it gives me a chance to clean my monitor screen every so often from pepsi or coffee or what ever else I'm drinking at the time.
I, too, appreciate the feeling of family and the experience of communicating with "Real" people rather than "QuackerStackr" or "AvianDeathGod." I use a nickname on the other forums because the dialogue frequently is incendiary and intolerant. Here, I use my real name because there is a feeling of sincerity and reason. Here's to DBHF! Cheers!
Eric: I've not been duck hunting lately though not really for not wanting to. Low water kept me out last time and the reports that I've been hearing are not encouraging. I've been deer hunting though. I saw my first coyote last Sat. I saw three bucks yesterday, 6pt, 6pt and 4pt. I let them all walk.

Jim: Welcome here to DBHF. Don't take it wrong. We are pretty friendly here. We do have some differing veiws among us (carved vs. plastic, wood vs. aluminum, robo vs. not, to be Dave Clark or not, etc.), and there are some lively discussions sometimes, we all respect (mostly) and tolerate (mostly) each other. Lurk awhile if you wish, but come back in when you're ready. We welcome you and we won't flame you unless you're a game law violator or something like that. Short of that we get over it. After all, look what I did to Jay:

Jay Anglin Mickey Hat.jpg

I think he still likes me.
the 120 is a base reference to numbers of dekes i grind in a year---usually more than 200, though--long, involved story--just kept it for auld lang syne---i am an only child, so am the oldest, cutest, etc! hehehehhehhe mom now 90---was born in 1942!
Eric, the gaddies are here---we had a few toll to the rig this morning---got snuck by a big flock of gwt, and managed to scratch a totally faked out black--pure he was, tasty he will be!