Real Names

I use my nick name Ray which is the start of my last name and fits into the rule. On the old site I did use my first name, but I have been using my nick name on all other sites for the past few years that I used it here as well. It does present a problem when I end up in the real world and a hunting buddy is calling me Ray, and his wife (a friend from college) is calling me Lance. I have about 10 hunting buddies now from the net and they all call me Ray on line or off, so the name has stuck to me, and eventually it will stick here.

I do agree that screen names on the other sites can be nearly "obscene" with their "killer" "stacker" "whacker" conventions. I have always wondered if they every lived up to the name?
Wheeeeeeo Thanks George, I was real concerned for your mother for a while. Thats grinding a lot of saw dust. By the way 1942 was a real good year, a lot of good looking,handsome,intelligent,suave,sophisticated babys were born that year.
gosh....maybe that post was directed at me? :] I don't use my real name. I don't answer to my real name much either....unless law enforcement is involved :) I have many nicknames and answer to most all of them. Dani is just one of the shortened versions of Danibeth (still not my real/legal name). that I've explained that, I feel so much better. so can I stay? I'll consider being good :)

and for those of you that already know my legal name.....good for you :)
I always thought the hang up on real names on an internet fourm funny. I mean if bob jones posts, how do you know if its bob jones? And if i dont know somebody to begin with, is their more to a real sounding name than a moniker? Why should it add some kinda respect to their views? I've been goosebruce since before I got on the net... and everything Ive ever written has been signed travis. If anyone ever gave me more respect for my real name and a cool moniker, well that just goes to show you all you've been shafted! Even the 25 or so folks from here (and the hundreds from other places) that have met me... its all been a lie. I gotta come clean to you all... my real name is, and always has been, bigdick mcgee. Feels good to come clean.

Oh, wishing you all a happy kwanza. (the poster formally known as travis)
Mr. 120-

The sea geese cooperated just like they should. I took a nice mature pair that Blake will be seeing in the mail soon. Gonna have a whole flock on my ceiling one or two at a time for now.

We took one out of each flock and allowed the big flocks a free pass through the decoys. Met a friendly law man at the dock who was keeping us honest.

Hunted Dorchester today and took a baldpate, a few mallards and a hoody or two. Got sunny this afternoon didn't it.

Will call you about cork and hope to stop by sat, sun, or mon if possible.

I just never realized it was that important to anyone what my "REAL" name was. I just went in and chenged it to include my real name. I think it is fun to be "Diver Dan" Have been since I was a kid and most who know me call me that. But for the folks who care, I fixed it!!! Dan
the content of the post has always been more important to me than the "name" of the person that posted it --as far as i'm concerned you can be whoever you want as long as you keep you posts civil, language clean, and treat others with respect

this is not to say that i take issue with somebody wanting people to use their real names - just doesn't bother me much either way