Last year I worked on my Herter decoys Restle coated using cork dust from tan cork decoys my Son and I carved.
I used Tite Bond III and the cork dust. I liked the way the rough texture gave a good grip, so I did not not sand them.
I then sealed with a U.V. protecting varnish. Painted with Behr paint using Steve Sanfords color schemes.
First 2 hunts had ducks coming in pretty good. Then they started to flare at greater and greater distances.
I thought maybe the new black decoy line may have been tipping them off, so last week I went to change back to a clear
mono-filament line, but first checked with a U.V. light.
Well It wasn't the line but the decoys themselves shining like VanGoghs picture, all of the nice gripping points that had a little bit of paint rubbed off were glowing.I thought it might be the cork checked a piece of cork but found no reflection from the U.V. light. It wound up being the
Varnish. So I am in the process of sanding the gough gripping edges, and coating with another coat of Tite Bond III which has no U.V. reflection when dry and leaves the basic paint scheme visible. Will re-paint using the Steve Sanford color schemes.