Sea ducks and seals......

Well the best one i heared and seen pictures of a seal was this summer, i was fishing for salmon on the Upsalquitch river here in New Brunswick, i was talking to one of the river side residents and he told me that he had killed a seal seal 3 weeks before i was their in the same pool i was fishing in, that is about 40 milles up river from the salt water, i told him he was full of s#!t, so he went to his house and came back 10 min later with a pictur of the dead seal on the shore line of that pool, and you could see where he had shot it with his 12ga. He said even the local game wardens shoot a couple every year in that river, its hard to believe but i seen the picture of it.
yup them buggers steal your burds one day we had to pull up and go home they got half of what we downed and you know how hard they are to buddy down the south shore had sharks doin the same thing ,call came on the radios to keep the dawgs outa the water a school of sharks were taking the and the food chain we in the middle somewhere some days
Derek Zumwalt sent me a new paper clipping today about a semi hitting a seal crossing the road some 70 miles from the Ocean.....not spectaclurly unusual for a seal that be that far up freshwater but what the goof sumbitch was doing crossing the highway is beyond me.....definately not your expected "road kill".....

Shermie....kind of shark? Anything mentioned in the report?

I thought it was odd seeing all the snapping turtles hit on the roads here every spring, a roadkill seal takes the prize.
On the subject of odd roadkill, a semi killed 17 Pronghorns during a snow storm this fall out in western SD. That could not have been a pretty site.

the damn thing was crossing I-5...thats like an 8 lane Interstate, plus the shoulders and median and I'd bet there's a barrier of some sort.....must be "Global Warming".....

(17) Pronghorns.....dayyyyyuuummmm....we still got you beat....its been awhile but a few years back a trucker nailed a herd of 11 Elk on I-90 ..... not a pretty site....

Seals on the Interstate though..that one has to be the most amazing....


Shermie....kind of shark? Anything mentioned in the report?


im not sure ill have to email my bud but he is out on the boats now catchin lobsters i believe,he goes long lining when he isnt lobstering,he will know what species for you..he see`s alot of wierd fish out there..and lots of sharks !

my memrory is froggy but i think it was a blue or maybe a white,the waters down there are warm when the current swings inshore..70 F sumtimes

They probably are tasty though.

have you ever been kissed by one? An experience I'll never forget...


I hear they taste like an Italian sausage sandwich with peppers and onions.

Dang, now I'm hungry. What's the bag limit on manatees?

You just slice steaks off Manatee's with 30-35hp Johnsons. Don't want to eat an animal like that all at once.
Whatever you were smoking, I want some. Damndest thing I have ever seen was an attack boat surfacing in the Chesapeake about 40 yds from where I was fishing and I wasn't even in the channel. Hadn't had a single Beah eitha. We all see wierd stuff on the water from time to time.

Sure some of the stuff is for real and some is imagination or tired eyes.

Look out for UFO's

Seals make a dam nice sport with a 22 hollow point from the bow of the boat ... amazing how much bubbles and blood as they sink into the murky blue depths ..... but of course I would never do that.... cod fish munching, lobster crunching sea rats!!!!