Al Hansen said:Great pictorial. I sure loved the shot of Beaverwith the hand signal greenhead. Well done.
Carl said:Looks like a successful season to me!
Thanks for sharing, makes me want to drive north next December/January...
tod osier said:Having a new pup makes it all new again and fun. Plenty of frustrations too.
John Kirk said:great stuff Tod.. and yes- please share the recipe.
Dani said:tod osier said:Having a new pup makes it all new again and fun. Plenty of frustrations too.
I could easily see the new again and fun. Plus frustrations, but you sometimes have that with old farts too
The carnitas looks delicious. I have a bunch of pheasant legs I have been contemplating what to do with. The smoking and turning into carnitas or pulled pheasant is one of the options I have considered. Is the brining enough to keep the meat from getting dry?
Looks like you had a pretty good season. The oyster thing I wondered about when I saw Beaver standing on the mud flat...gee don't they have oysters up there to tear up dog feet? Or maybe not as many as down here.
tod osier said:I think the pheasant legs would be fantastic carnitas, but you would need fat like the pork belly I used with the duck to have it be moist enough and to fry it to finish it (I added ca. 1 pork belly to 3 duck). I don't know if the delicate pheasant would necessarily need smoke, but smoke is never the wrong choice. One thing I'd consider that would be super easy and add some smoke with no work is to just put some thick cut bacon or chunks of bacon in with the legs to braise (since bacon is just smoked pork belly). The carnitas were really fantastic, it is a great way to prep game and gives you multiple chances to find any stray shot in it- once when prepping and then when pulling it. Having broken that tooth this year, I'm a little leery, but it was totally my fault. I was munching on some carrots when cooking and popped a piece of sausage in my mouth and chomped it like the carrots I'd been eating - CRUNCH.
Dani said:Would you brine the pheasant legs first just to help them retain some moisture? I like the chunks of bacon solution.
Craig F said:Tod I bought a little wand-like metal detector on Amazon for finding pellets. Works great for steel, not as great for bismuth and unfortunately that's what I'm shooting these days. Hasn't presented an issue yet as I've been double grinding breasts for sausage and snack sticks and I'm very cautious when prepping, but it could be an option for you if you're shooting steel.
tod osier said:Isn't bismuth supposed to crush when you bite it?
Eric Patterson said:Okay Tod, you did it, you made me feel guilty for not pulling my camera out very much this season. What a great scrapbook of this year you've created. Nice, very nice.