September Workbench

those coots going to be ready for season? I really liked that black cork it carved nice and was very light.

dang man those you really stepped it up on those . amazing teal.

Thanks for noticing my lowely BSC coot. My plan was to have them ready, I started early enough, but the home improvement snowball got in the way. We'll see...

the wigeon are almost done. The drake came out a little brighter then I wanted to. Something to learn for next time.

Here it today's work for me... "I am going to go paint for two hours and knock out those last two pins". Spoken at 2:30 in the afternoon. 6 hours later with about a hour break for dinner here they are. My wife is a saint. These two were some older decoys that took some serious damage last season. These were done in a class and right after the same class with Jode Hillman. Tried to keep to the origional paint style for the most part but had to put a little new twist on them. All wet on wet to this point few details and the bills and I am done with them.. Season is on its way!!!


Yesterdays decoy work for me.

Not on the bench. They were in the shed. Spent longer then I expected fixing and cleaning up about half the rig from 2012 and older. The other half of them are still in the shed and need some serious TLC I don't think they will get the repairs before season and will just have to hold together one more season and get fixed after we close.

All the decoys from 2013 have not been rigged yet and are still in the house my wife is thrilled there are decoys everywhere in my painting area.


Roy, Jode, Brandon and errrr Chuck :) great birds by all!!!!

a couple cutouts I am taking with me to carve on between hunts in Texas. I have held back from doing any shorebirds I have always known if I start carving them I won't stop.

My first wood birds. A black and a hoodie, they need alittle more work bur rhey are coming along nicely i think.

photo came out poorly.
I don't see any reason to pick on Chuck. Well that's not true. But I don't think we should pick on him for carving coots.
Green Heron out of basswood w/ a mahogany bill. It's hollow and has 2 pennies in it. Guess that will guarantee it's worth something.

When the plastic wood cures I'll get back to sanding.

I also have 2 more pickleweeds on the bench. a FWD and a Pintail.

Great work all.



Who's Chuck?

I've never met him but I'm sure he's a prick...

Still hacking away...


Also been refinishing a pair of Adirondack chairs this summer...this is the second disassembled and sanded. They are Redwood last sparred over 10 years ago. The spar on all but the bottom was long gone, the wood was weathered and stained. I sanded out most of the stainging, working on laying glass top and bottom on the arms as one of the chairs had issues with cracking along the grain.



Next step is to reassemble epoxying all joints, coat the entire frame in epoxy, then finish with spar. First chair is done, I'll have to get a picture sometime...

Aside from that I have about 2/3 of the house to paint before winter sets in...


The throne is certainly well-deserved!

Here are a Killdeer and a Bluewing Hen I'm doing for a local fundraiser. The Killdeer is Basswood with a Douglasfir base. The Teal is hollow White Pine. Both are finished in oils.




Still painting another Upland Sandpiper and have yet to saw out a Wood Duck Flyer....

All the best,

Steve I like the teal style. Ill keep it in my mental bank for when I finally get Pete to carve some teal with me.

Keep up the good work