Shot a clapper rail today....

We hear them all the time, just never see them. I think because the marsh backs up to a road & park, they are little more used to people at this site. This is the second time I have seen one there, just the first time I had a camera.
hey jack, is that a sign that the folks in dixie are gonna have six more weeks of winter, or is spring just around the corner?
man that brings back a memory i prety near stepped on one heading out of a swamp near dark and cripes that screech /wail that it crys out chills ya to the bone scared big ol me at the time,i had stepped on a fawn doe one time and it was creepy to...just gotta hate it when you step on sumthing and it lets ya know it ....
At this site we are trying to return a phrag-dominated marsh to a juncas/spartina marsh. We hit the phrag with Clearcast back in november and will be smashing it down with 4 wheelers next week. Then we break out the drip torches and burn it. Probably have to repeat the herbicide application in the spring when any survivors get about 1' tall. Will bring in the school kids next fall to replant.

However, this is the last phrag control project we will probably do. All genetic evidence indicates that the phragmites we have down here on the Gulf coast is a native species and that we do not have the eurasian strain y'all are dealing with up north. What y'all are dealing with up north is awhole different ball game.

Check out Clearcast if you have not used it. It is supposed to be the latest and greatest in phrag control. Slow acting but it is supposed to get down to the roots.