Slow Opener

Steve Sanford

Well-known member

Our Southeast Zone here in New York opened this morning. Like lots of areas, the drought has wrought havoc with many duck waters. Unlike other areas, though, our season opened about 10 days earlier than usual. Whereas we typically open on the Columbus Day weekend - with the fall colors near peak - for some inexplicable reason we opened with the woods and marshes in their late-summer greens with a few browns, and only the occasional splash of red or yellow up in the trees.

Nevertheless, we had a fine morning - but with little duck activity in a small pond/marsh that sits among farm fields, not too far from the Batten Kill.

The grey skies made photography a little challenging - and as has happened so often this year - the predicted rains never fell. But, the Barred Owls greeted us early on - and a bunch of Turkeys kept the airwaves interesting.



Our "blinds" - erected earlier in the week with bunches of Goldenrod lashed in place - were an improvement over previous hides.


We Easterners flout fashion convention - at least when it comes to face masks.....


One Drake Mallard was a team effort - with Boo doing most of the leg work.





We all enjoyed the amenity of the Gentlemen's Boulevard - thanks to a brief session with a weed wacker with a solid blade a couple of weeks ago.


I always liked the Latin name of Woolgrass: Scirpus cyperinus means "the bulrush that looks like a sedge".


Most of the Goldenrods have gone to seed.


But a few still provide that rare splash of color.



Here's that little black patch at the base of the bill on Mallards and Blacks - the "tobacco lips" - important to remember when re-painting the rig.


Here's the best "splash of color" of all.


All the best,



Looks like a perfect morning for a walk-in, as early as it is (overcast & a bit cool?).

The first split for south zone in Indiana will be the last few days of October and the first week of November; South in Ohio starts a bit earlier and goes out the same as IN.

A generous second split for both with Indiana adding a late Canada goose extension (state-wide for the first time) that will run all the way into mid- February. Nothing starting up in KY 'til around Thanksgiving.

So, lots of opportunities to catch outings somewhere here in the tri-state corner., Hopefully the timing of the weather and migration patterns will align for some good days (although they're all good days ;'))
so that is what water looks like- i have forgotten

this the the upper stretch of Oatka Creek here in western NY one of the region's premier trout stream - a couple hundred yards above the first public fishing area


friend took a picture of his clubs marsh this week - grass - I told them I would come over and help put wheels on the boats

good luck with the season
Same a little further west, Steve. Very few ducks around compared to other years and I can't help but suspect the earlier opener, BEFORE the northern zone opener, has something to do with it.

Good morning, Mike~

I am certainly hoping this October 1 opener is an aberration - and we go back to Columbus Day by next season. Three years of September drought, though, is more worrisome.

All the best,


We open this weekend the 8th. Same thing here not much water in the swamps (3rd year of not much water), but checked them out and seems to be more ducks then the other dry years. Not looking forward to walking in the swamps, it gets harder and harder to walk in that muck.
Sorry to see it Steve. This spring when we met to set the northern Zone opener the Southern Zone had already set their opener. I do not remember why .
As you know you are welcome to any Task force season setting meeting to observe . I plan on attending next springs zone meeting.

it is very dry up in the North country, marshes that have always held water are dry and Lake Champlain is running a ft low. We in The NE zone will be open for a good chunk of October I hope it works out for everyone . 10/8-10/30 split 11/5-12/11 close

I will miss the opener this year,attending My Nephew's wedding out on the North Fork of LI. A nice ferry ride from New London. Hopefully the Matt weakens and turns into a rain event .