Good Sunday morning, Scott. Just hearing about what you did and how your pup reacted sure made the adrenalin flow in my body. These "dog" moments carry through for me almost on a daily basis. For example, right after breakfast is when I walk over to a particular drawer in the kitchen and pull out a bundle of keys (truck, house, locked gates on BLM land, and of course the post office box. We live only a 1/4 mile from the bank of boxes that are in the village of Luis Lopez, where we live. As soon as Belize sees what I do, she scoots over to the door leading to the garage. She knows we will be getting into the Mule, yes, it is parked next to my wife's white Prius. By the way, I tell our dog customers that it is the only white Prius in the southwest. Many raise an eyebrow when hearing that---
Anyway, now Sunny, our newest addition to Enchanted Desert Labs, has mimicked her mother, and she too, is there. Well, the teacher in me still seems to kick into gear after not teaching for 17 years now. While at the door, they know that they must sit and wait for a command. This is an easy one, because when I call their name then they head into the garage and jump into the front seat of the Kawasaki Mule. I alternate names, trying to be fair. It is working like a charm. Now I make them do the same thing in reverse when we get back to the house.
I hope you have found all the necessary items to make that first hunt a success. For me I will have to wait to see if we will get any rain during our monsoon season which normally begins right around the 4th of July. Last year during our monsoon season, we received "zero" inches of rain. If you live where we do, the meteorologists start measuring liquid gold by telling us that yesterday we received 1/100th of an inch of rain. Have any of you ever thought about how many drops make up that amount? I do---Last year our last rain in 2019 occurred in early October and the next rain was in March of this year. That was followed by a rain in the beginning of May and that is it so far.
Keep me posted, Scott. If I would be a betting person, I have fingers crossed for our opener to be set for the 19th of September. That means from June 1st, we have only 110 days to wait. Darn it, but that is exciting.
Scott, one last thing. As I grew up and gravitated to listening to news reporters, the guy I quickly attached to was Walter Cronkite and I did see that quote you saved from him---"The perils of duck hunting are great- especially for the duck." ~Walter Cronkite Thanks for using this quote, Scott. It brought back some great memories.
The last time the teal pond had water before duck season was on April Fool's Day of 2019. I took Sonora and Belize out to the spot for some retrieving practice. That is always fun for all involved! By the way, the next rain to get captured in this pond was in the first week of October, so needless to say, there were no F-16s flying around this area in September.
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This was the first time that Belize was able to get a mouth full of feathers. The Gambel's quail unfortunately hit our glass door. By the way, we bought a good wind chime that truly has made a difference since it hangs right where the birds would fly towards the window. When it gets extremely gusty around here, which isn't much, I do take it down. I love the chimes but sanity is also important.
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