Some images from this season......using a Canon instead of a shotgun.

That was a very enjoyable sampling of your season pictures.

Feel free to post the other 3,980...I would enjoy each and every picture.
Those are magnificent shots. I would be hard pressed to pick the best one. It is evident that you have found a glorious spot in North America to live. I, too, know only too well what you mean by filling a card up "X" number of times and then spending countless hours in euphoria staring at the computer monitor. Keep them coming. What is your camera system? What lenses did you use on the shots that you showed us? Thanks for the commentary, also. I enjoyed that as much as the photos.
Thanks Steve, In my younger days, I had been (foolishly) on the water too many times in those conditions, I still haven't figured out why?? :)

My new book "The Art in Making Decoys" was released in Oct. I will put some infor on about it late. Keep watching.

Thanks for asking!
Thanks Pat, I have a whole bunch of Harlequin shots, I will post up a bunch for you!

Hi Kevin, thank you , I am glad you enjoyed the images. I will see if I can find the images of that piece. If I do, I will post them for you.
THank you Gary for your kind comments. I keep threatening Tom Newell that I will be coming West for a visit.....and of course I will bring a whole pot of lobsters with me!!

I am glad to be here, everyone has been so welcoming, it feels like home.....and returning the favor; you already have! Thank you!

Thank you Zach. Even though you don't have blackducks out where you are, you still could carve them for fun!! Let me know I have a ton of blackduck pictures.....I'll send you whatever you need!

Tom, so you like gannets? I will have to do something about that!!
Thank you Tim, shorebirds are really special, and I wasn't expecting the snipe. It startled the heck out of me. I was lucky in both ways.....first, I managed to get off a few shots, and second that I have a fast camera which is always set on action mode (just in case). THe MOnks are really prominent here, and are met with mixed emotions. Some as I do really enjoy them, and others can't stand them,. As Steve said, they are noisy and problematic especially because of the number and size of the nests the colony builds......some of which are the size of a van! They build them often on telephone poles, and you can imagine the power problems. They will often build them in trees that are not strong enough to support the nests, and the results are will see trees snapped in half or huge limbs down because of the weight. I have a bunch of pictures of the nests, I will post some when I find them.

YOu are very welcome Eric! My pleasure!
Steve, I've never carved an alka you have an image of one!! Alcids are amazing birds. I am going to Maine in May and August this year to photograph puffins, murres, razorbills and black guillemot. We will photo them in the water and on an island for close up standing and feeding activity shots. I will post some of the images when I have them. Then off to Quebec to Perce Rock to photograph my favoite Sulidae....the gannet on its nesting gannetry. That should be amazing!
Jack, calamari it is!! See you tomorrow.

Thank you Al, you are correct, New England is a very special place. I agree with you about spending all those euphoric hours going through the images....unfortunately, because I am so "trigger happy" with my camera, I have so many images yet to go through that I will be looking through these images well into next season. I can't wait to see what I captured on those cards.

I use a Canon 50D with a 100-400 IS f/4.5-5.6. I hand hold, and because I primarily shoot as a sports photographer, I use the action mode setting. Most of my shots are by chance as I am often walking, and take what I happen on to. If I am sitting in my blind and the conditions are right, I will shoot more creative using aperture priority mostly (as in the black ducks, hen eider and the shorebird portrait images above)

Thanks again,

While many would be content just to carve a common, old, everyday white Alks Seltzer tablet I'd suspect that you'd be up for a bit more of a challenge......


I give you........

Wait for it........

Speedy Alka Seltzer.......

View attachment speedy-image.jpg

To paraphrase Doc Holiday in Tombstone.....


Wow Steve, that artistic challenge has me motivated, inspired and perplexed........that may take me some time!!! The keel is going to be the tough part!!! will be in the mail tomorrow! THanks again.
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Sounds like a busy summer from the trips you listed that you have coming up....

I got fogged out on the Puffin trips two summers in a of those things that I really wanted to see.....should be some places where you could get soe Leach's Storm Petrel shots....possibly at the burrow if you're lucky...I know they nest not only on the islands but in some place in Coastal Maine.....

If you come out you'll need to come summer and winter....our breeding Puffin here is the Tufted, (if Gary March is still looking in on this thread maybe he'll post some of the shots he got last year of them), (3) breeding Cormorant, Pigeon Guillemots and enough other "stuff" to fill up a card or two....Winter will probably get you a few additional cards full of shots of everything from Gyr Falcons to Harlequins, clouds of Dunlins to Brant.......

I'll head out to the mailbox right now so that I don't miss the arrival....


Wild birds in wild places. Love saltwater pics - those of us who are landlocked don't get to see places like that very often. Thanks.

The shorebird pics are incredible...and if single and paired decoys are that effective, yikes...reminds me of a short portion of the "Wild China" series where they show the poacher who uses shorebird "stuffer" decoys and a whistle to call the birds in...he assists in research and banding projects now, but basically uses the same decoys and nets that he did when he poached...

Keep the pictures, decoys, and commentary coming.
THanks Steve. Friends of mine have gone to Maine for the puffins/other alcids and they were very successful; plenty of birds and no fog. Jen and I are looking forward to spending some time with Tom Newell; that will certainly fill quite a few cards I am sure! We have plenty of harlequins here, but the tufted puffins are another of my favorites....I have a pair in the carving stage, I will post the pair when I am finished. Jen and I are planning a trip to Iceland (maybe this year)....that should be amazing!
to have you on the site Keith. I really appreciate the eider shots, my favorite too. When you're in Maine give me a shout and I can show you a few of the areas I used to guide for sea ducks. Again, great to have you aboard.

Bill Wasson