Starting the AA Broadbill project

You got a great boat. I have the same boat and had the same problems. The boat is molded and a chopper gun was used to produce the hull. He did not have thru hall fittings installed at the motor well or drain plug area (need to install). The floorboard was not sealed ( causing the wood to rot near the drain hole from the bottom up). I have to do a section of my floorboard this off-season. Also, the boat will leak the at the top cover seam. I installed a rubber rub rail and used 5200 to seal it (no leaks in 25 years from that area). I did not cut the fiberglass out of the transom, I removed all the wood and cut a piece of marine-grade plywood to fit.
This is how I did mine. Ended up having to grind out parts of the wood that had adhered to the outside skin but then built a mock up out of cardboard (making sure to note thickness of the transom and motor mount then constructed a new transom out of Coosa Board and glassed in.. Make sure to follow AUTHUR ARMSTRONG BOAT OWNERS on facebook
I requested to follow the group and waiting for approval. Have some questions about production years. Mine has a company tag that has a Florida address and the state has its production year as 1971. Just wondering if the state is right. If so, it is older than I thought originally.
Anyone know what this “clip” is called? Looks like this one is missing a part and the one on the other side is missing completely. It is the last “snap” on the canvas top Assuming I’ll need 2 of them when I get to that part of the rebuild.

I guess it is just a more secure clip than a standard snap???

The piece with screw looks to be a deformed male canvas snap. They are available with the screw attached or as a crimp on style. Can also be bought in small quantity's at bx, store like Lowes. They are available in bulk on Amazon. Get stainless. Of course that needs to mate with a female canvas snap on your canvas . Was that the mating point your showing in second pic.