Student Suspened for Drill Team Practice Rifle..NDR

Having spent much time in Chapel Hill NC, home of " The House that Dean Bullt", I'd be surprised to see too many firearms of any description including fakes within 20 mile of the "Old Well". Durham and Raleigh different story.

Go Heels,
"Now I have to wonder where she and her unit got these weapons. Maybe more then one rule was broken to include those of the YM's."

Just to be clear, she didn't possess a weapon, she had in her car a toy gun. Toy gun does not equal weapon.

Mark W
Harry, last year the student body president of UNC was taken from her room, driven around town for several hours while her debit card was used. Then had her head blown off with a shotgun. I'm sorry, it is not the same community as it was once. I live here but never go downtown, too many panhandlers. This is a community that is governed with HEART, not the brain. A town in denial that problems found in other communities has come to Chapel Hill

My experience was in the Durham schools, but even here, there are students wearing gang colors, flashing signs ....... of course the administrators will tell you they are just wannabes, that's why one of the high schools has no doors on the boy's rooms.

Just saw a picture in the Washington Times of the young lady in question. This time in a full uniform and a duct taped pretend rifle. It just gets curiouser and curiouser with each passing moment

The subtitle of the picture in the Wa Post (below) says it is one of the actual guns that was in her car. I bet the pictures in my earlier link that Mark and Steve commented on are of rifles they use, not in practice, but for actual performances. One other things (again) did you read my above post where it quoted the verbage from the handbook? She didnt' break the rules as written. State law yes, but not the student handbook rules. The school district is out on a limb publishing one thing and enforcing another.


Eric, this is the gun our unit uses only white in color. I have never seen the other rifle used by any other units. We use White in practice and actual events. everyone has great pints of intrest but even for me who started this it's become to confusing as information comes forward. I for one unless someone objects says it's a good time to quit and get back to Boats, ducks, and projects.

Yeah we have according to the local PD at least 15 gangs here in Greenville NC including Bloods, Crips and the Mexican Mafia. I am told that some of the gangs even have LAWS anti tank weapons.

I hope the creeps that killed the student body president at UNC got the Death Penalty.

I like what comedian Ron (Tater Salad) White says about the death penalty in his home state of Texas. "If you kill somebody in Texas we will kill you back". I realize that finding support for the Death Penalty and tougher policing is difficult to find in Chapel Hill. I say that as a graduate of UNC and someone who loves Chapel Hill and Orange County.
I suspect we have beaten this horse to death.
Sen. Scott Renfroe, (R-Weld County,) said the 17-year-old was the topic of discussion among fellow senators.

"We need to look at this and add some common sense to our statute," Renfroe said.

Apparently they did.
So, if I got the school board to pass a rule that said your child had to show up to school wearing a pink cowboy hat and bells, would you go out and buy some, or go tell the board they were idiots and fight the stupid rule? Just can say 'it's the law/rule'....doesn't necessarily make it sensible or worth obeying to begin with. We live in a day and age when stupid stuff is impressed upon folks every day.