Sure aint ducky weather here....


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63 degrees at 7:30 on the truck thermometer as I crossed the bay this morning. Saw one boat hunting and a lot of boats fishing.
Supposed to be low to mid 70's again today.
Sure doesnt feel like December, even for here.

It was good Saturday in Scottsboro.....39 and foggy at sunrise....Sunday it was 62 at sunrise.....

If you get a chance come on up and we see if we can get into some ducks

Screwy here. 60's w/ possible thundershowers today. Plunge to 31 by tonight,; highs in lower 40's tomorrow. Then back up a bit with 4 straight days of rain predicted. Sure am glad it's still early enough for things to change.


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We had what would be good weather for you this time of year this morning. Just below freezing and a solid overcast. No wind though.

We went anyway. Managed to scratch out two goldeneyes in a quickie hunt--the only birds that decoyed other than hen hoodies.

We did have one solo mallard give us a hard look and turn, but he saw something he didn't like about 40 yards and sailed over our heads headed someplace else. We probably had a decent shot as he went over, but we were still hoping he'd circle and decoy nicely at that point.

One of the goldeneyes led me on a merry chase. I thought I hit a drake stone dead, and he briefly floated feet up in the decoys so I didn't put a finishing shot into him. But before the dog got to it he got his head up and swam away. By the time I uncovered the boat and caught up he was a quarter mile away and too close to some houses for comfort. I ended up chasing in the boat for close to 15 minutes before it got to a spot where I could finish it with a safe and legal shot.

Temps were up to the mid 40's before I got home.

The motor (pull start) sure was easier to start than it was on Saturday morning!
Oklahoma's weather is sure messed up! Drought, warm, windy. I've never seen so many area ponds dry or so low. I think it's so dry that when a rain storm is heading our way it evaporates before it can do any good. I don't see any significant precipitation happening till next spring. I hope we at least get some weather patterns that will push some ducks in.
The only bright spot is that Maine added a new "coastal" zone this year, and we can anything east of Route 1 until January 5. Last year our season closed a day or two before Christmas, and the big coastal flights of goldeneyes and black ducks came between Christmas and New Years.

Now, how do I get the whole family to give a good chunk of Christmas Day to sneak out after ducks . . . .

It's quite a good tide, but between my 4 year old nephew and my role as chef for Christmas dinner, I think I won't get after them until the 26th.
This time last year we were almost frozen up and the hunting was starting to get really good........highs in the 40's this week and no ice. I really hope that you midwest guys get some rain or snow soon, I hear the situation on the Mississippi is getting pretty dire.
It happens to frightening down here. All through November it seemed like we were anywhere from 12F to 20F above average. Last week we had a cold front move through and it was 5F above average.
Snow pack is at 75% below normal. The ski areas in CO and NM are really beginning to suffer. As for rain I don't know if anyone around here can remember when it last did.
They are already talking about our upcoming fire season if we don't get any precip this year. As for ducks, there aren't many around.
I really hope that you midwest guys get some rain or snow soon, I hear the situation on the Mississippi is getting pretty dire.

Your right about the river. I've been on it since the 60's and I've never seen it this bad. I was down to the local boat shop the other night getting some fuel additive and was talking to the owner. He's an avid snowmobiler and a dealer as well as boats. He's had a down year for sure. He told me the snowmobilers are having to go farther and farther north just to use their sleds which is hurting him but the boating season was poor as well. Not only because of the low water but extreme heat. Nobody wants to go out on the river when it's pushing 100 degrees. He doesn't have a lot of work for his mechanics. He's trying to keep them busy with salvage and shop rebuilds but then he has to sell them as well and with a down economy....well I'd hate to be in his business today.
I think it's only short-lived, but the front just cleared here. Pouring rain this morning, 55 and sunny this afternoon, and 20 gusting 35 out of the NW right now.

I'll be out in the morning before it warms up again.
Same here in west central AR. Had my shorts and sandals on Sunday! Ridiculous! Experiencing a lengthy drought. It will take lots of rain over a long period of time to fix this!!