Ted Nugent

Wow seems like Ted is getting more of a vote of confidence than Phil Robertson would, not that I want either representing me. I liken them to which eye would you rather loose your left or right eye?
Wow seems like Ted is getting more of a vote of confidence than Phil Robertson would, not that I want either representing me. I liken them to which eye would you rather loose your left or right eye?

Both of their shows suck that's for sure.
Look up Jared Allen of the Minnesota Vikings. I'm not sure how outspoken he is about gun rights but he's a pretty stand up guy for his work with veterans. He's an avid deer hunter I believe. Minus a couple DUIs he's good in my book haha
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A few things about Ted's show that you should understand before judging:

Baiting is legal and commonplace in Texas. While it may not be legal where you are from, he is not breaking any laws by baiting in the state of Texas.

He is making a TV show and as such he has to put animals down. This is part of the reason he hunts on a preserve in Texas, better opportunities to film kill shots. I am not saying I support it, but I do understand his reasons for hunting there.

In the current anti-gun culture he is one of the only celebrities that is vocally standing up for us. Who else is telling that idiot Piers Morgan how American gun owners feel? My opinion, while his delivery may be extreme, sometimes extreme measures are required to win. I would much rather have Ted for us than against us, his passion for the 2nd Amendment and hunting are a bonus to our beliefs and way of life.

The NRA has him on their board of directors I believe, they seem to think highly enough of him and the NRA is the group which fights most for us.

I cant comment on any specific events on his show, but remember... you only see 1/10th of what they actually film.

Bottom line, I think he does a lot more good than he does harm.
The Nuge is counterfeit.

Ted likes to come across as a hard core American patriot...........he talks a good game until it's time to ante up and really go all in. Uncle Ted, by his own admission, purposely crapped his pants in order to fail a Selective Service Draft Board physical. While the rest of us were answering the call, (maybe reluctantly), the Nuge was touring with his band, enjoying the groupies, making a lot more money than a Spec 4 with combat pay, and laughing about how he got out of the draft.

He doesn't represent the American shooting public in my opinion at any level, and he's doing more harm than good with his over the edge antics. We need a spokesman with credibility, not P.T. Barnum

Baiting is legal and commonplace in Texas. While it may not be legal where you are from, he is not breaking any laws by baiting in the state of Texas. . . . . . .
I cant comment on any specific events on his show, but remember... you only see 1/10th of what they actually film.

Apparently baiting is not legal in California, and in the 10% of what he filmed that got on air, California wardens saw baiting and enough other issues to charge him with 11 different game violations. Among the violations were shooting a spike horn that was too small to be legal and not tagging his deer. There was a plea bargain and he plead no contest to two of the charges, including baiting. At least, so reports Field and Stream.

I am not certain if I like or Dislike Ted.

I like that he is an outspoken guy and is able to call a spade a spade, or "Numb nuts" as such.

I like that he is able to draw in to the audience and engage folks to make a choice about what is going on with the Bill of Rights in this Country.

I dislike some of his choices for other things, and how he may have conducted himself in the past.

Maybe he believes in redemption?

Maybe everyone should have shot at redemption.
I use to watch the guy too, but honestly I don't care for him. I guess I can't get past his draft dodging and now he wraps himself around the flag. That,s just my personal opinion. I lived in NM for a very long time and we always made fun of Texas hunters and there so called hunting ethics of baiting. I don't agree with baiting in any way. I would go so far to argue that these duck clubs that extort duck hunters are baiting off season to intice the ducks to continue coming back during season. I off topic here, but Ted is from a different world than me. I don't know the guy so its hard to judge his actions as show boating, poor hunting ethics or just out for a buck. Personally I would like to sit down and talk to him so that I did know. But then I still go back to his draft dodging. But maybe he is a different guy now.
There is good and bad in everyone. In Ted's case, he does give a good argument with anti's when interviewed under controlled conditions. That being said, he can also make the most hardcore outdoorsmen wince at some of his outbursts. His show is nothing more then a attempt at grandstanding among the other thousand hunting shows that are part of the grand merchandising scheme that pollutes our sport. As for the argument on black rifles, I will never figure this one out. When you look at the shear numbers of vets who came back home from WWII and Korea the popularity of the 30-06 was legendary. But you never saw the hype on hunting with a M1 Garand or a BAR. Our society today has way too many military wannabes that cross hunting over with their favorite war movies. Sure, any caliber on a AR platform is fun to shoot but the idea of watching someone getting ready to go coyote hunting in full tactical gear is borderline absurd. As hunters we are the stewards of the land. Our role is to set a ethical standard that others can follow, it is unfortunate that over the past decade many of those standards have been compromised to levels that do no justice for hunters or the game.
Thank you for pointing this out Gibby!!
Uncle Ted, by his own admission, purposely crapped his pants in order to fail a Selective Service Draft Board physical. While the rest of us were answering the call, (maybe reluctantly), the Nuge was touring with his band, enjoying the groupies, making a lot more money than a Spec 4 with combat pay, and laughing about how he got out of the draft.

He also adopted a 17 yr. old girl when he was 30 because she was too young to marry. Obviously her father was not a gun owner.

That pretty much sums it up. And I've heard better music too. I'm with you Worth.

I'm in total agreement. In my humble opinion, life is to short to hunt with an ugly gun. Oh, and make mine a double, side by side or stack barrel. And this is from a guy who constantly has to indure sitting in a boat(s) with ugly guns on all sides. As I have stated, my everyday duck gun is a Citori Satin Hunter. The last hunt of the season a friend of Eric's, Brandon, handed me his Citori with a Mossy Oak Duck Blind camoflage. Now I'm sure Brandon and I will become friends as he is an ethical hunter and a good guy, but ..... we had swapped guns to look at each others and some Redheads came in. I was alomost forced to take a shot at a duck with the monstrocity in my hands, again, almost.

As for Ted Nugent. I for the most part agree with his politics, the message but not his spoken word. As for questioning his ethics? How can you question them when he hasn't any? I will admit that in the mid/late '70's' Ted's music was a huge part of my 3:00 AM music repertoire mostly whilst driving to the duck marsh. Many miles of driving listening to Stranglehold, Hey Baby, Snakeskin Cowboys, etc. But my musical tastes have progressed and Ted's musical career has not. Sure the old songs are good and will stand the candle of time even if's Nugent's musical candle has been snuffed out. To me, Ted Nugent is the musical equivalent of a surfer who once rode a 10 foot wave but instead of bailing out when it collapsed, is know riding it's one foot remnant and pumping hell out of his board trying to make it to shore.


Interesting thread. I've learned a LOT. I've always considered Ted as a spokesman for hunting, but been generally suspicious that he doesn't represent me well, since I haven't watched his shows. I've seen him get excited talking about gun control and it is obvious he is an advocate for gun ownership.

I watched a video of him shooting hogs out of a helicopter with, if I remember right, full auto ARs. Looked fun, but doesn't speak to me as a sportsman.

His hunting ethics problems is something that is new to me and his personal life issues was new too.

Having this new information solidifies that I don't want him speaking for me, he sure does not represent the sporting life I have. The black guns for sporting, I'm not big on, but I'm glad they are out there and glad that they can be had for whatever use you want!
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I will add that I don't like Ted Nugent's "music". Perhaps my age, but it is nothing more than loud, irritating noise. In my book, no one played the guitar better than Bo Diddley. As many might know, Mark Rongers of the Mighty Layout Boys, is also excellent. Several years back while hunting with Mark and his many good friends, I mentioned my opinion regarding Bo. Mark agreed. Later that evening Mark got out his guitar and played several of Bo's most famous works for me. He was perfect! It made a very enjoyable trip just that much more to remember. Best, Worth Mathewson
I enjoy some of his music and used to like him as a sportsmen. These days I rank him right up there with the Duck Commander, I just don't care for either of them or what they stand for. Too many young naive guys idolizing them, even some older guys that should know better. Just my two cents though.

When Ted broke the rules in AK on his black bear hunt (wounding in that unit counts as a taken bear), his public comments after his day in court were that these are the kinds of laws that he is working on changing to help keep people in hunting and not get discouraged by all these arbitrary rules.

I sent his official production company hacks an email providing them all the information they need to submit a proposal to the AK Board of Game to change the regulation. How many proposals has Ted submitted through our very public process to change the rule? None. Maybe he paid a secretary to write down some of his thoughts and submitted it under their name.

Ted, like many non resident hunters that come to AK, have not a single clue as to why AK has the hunting regulations it does. The wounding counts as a taken bear regulation on Prince of Wales Island came after nearly three years of debate over the fact that non resident hunters were coming up there, freaking out while hunting, and wounding bears and not able to make a recovery leaving bears to die in the woods. They kept on hunting until they finally killed something that they could recover. Strange enough the guides and outfitters were the ones that proposed the regulation to the BOG. They saw many wounded bears running off for miles into rainforest jungle and the non resident hunters not physicaly fit enough to make a recovery. One guy killing two or three bears but only getting one back to the boat was slowly effecting the resource - and the guide's wallet. The guides and outfitters saw a problem and fixed it. The pressure kept up and now many areas in that hunt unit are now drawing permits rather than OTC harvest tags.

And no Ted does not speak for me as I do not understand the prostelytising gribberish that spews forth from his gawping maw.
I too learned a lot here, provided all the comments are accurate. I don't know enough personally to form an opinion on Nugent. If the comments are accurate, I don't think he is a good representative of sportsmen.

Regarding black guns, I have no problem with their use for hunting. When it comes down to it, a gun is a gun. You pull the trigger and it goes boom. Everything else is a matter of personal preference.
Let's face it...Ted is an entertainer. He is no stranger to a microphone, and knows how to say things that will stir up a reaction, and guarantee even more publicity for himself. While it is nice to have someone who is in the public spotlight, that speaks positively about hunting and gun ownership, you're going to have to also accept his self-promoting style. In the end, those outrageous things he says and does not only draw the attention to him that he desires, but also make it easy for his opponents to say that his actions and words represent hunters and shooters in general. Long term, he will likely do us more harm than good.
My opinon of Nugent has changed over the years.

When I was growing up, he was one of the Icons of rock and roll. I have enjoyed his music for may years and still do to a certain extent .

He moved here about 15 years ago and lives in the northern part of our county. Have 2 friends that share fence lines with him. When he first bought Walt Fairs's place, I thought it was pretty cool having another celebrity around here.

My current opinion of him is he is a attention whore/ego maniac. Some of the things he has done around here have changed my attitude about him The information was received directly from the individual involved with him. It is more a demonstration of overall character IMO.

The one that really takes the cake is the Levi Baur Memorial fund raiser. A little history on Levi Baur, he was a 4th grade student an avid bow hunter along with his father. Due to an unfortunate accident, Levi drowned in a local creek when the truck he was riding in was swept away in a flash flood. As a memorial a scholarship was formed and the Levi Baur Memorial Archery Tournament came into being for the fund raising portion.
The fund raiser was headed up by one of my hunting partners/good friends and Levi's father. Nugent caught wind of the event and came to my friend and offered to speak there so that it may bring a larger crowd. They accepted and Nugent never said anything about being paid. The event was very successful and they raised way more money that they expected. Nugent saw that and at the conclusion of the event, he went up to my friend and handed him a piece of paper. Nugent told him he wanted his cut to be sent to this specific not-profit organization. If I recall correctly, it was 30%. This amounted to very large amount of money. My friend told Nugent that he volunteered, was not solicited and never said anything about being paid. It ended up getting what you may call "unfriendly" and my friend told Nugent to stick it that evening. Well Nugent bitched and complained where finally Levi's father went ahead and cut a check to Nugents non profit after about a month. I have always wondered where that money really ended up. The event carried on for a number of years without any help from the "Nuge".

I have heard other accounts directly from hunting ranch managers/owners but don't feel like typing more of his exploits.

IMO he has worn his welcome out around here.
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I don't like Nugent, Tom Selleck would be a much better representative of gun owners. Nugent is too loud and way too much BS
I don't watch hunting shows these days as I have never seen one I like. I have to admit it has been a long time since I tuned in. I hunt for the experience, not the kill, and I have yet to see a show that captures that.
I tend not to like any of the high profile gun advocates. For the most part they don't represent me. I believe the best thing we can do is to all become quiet advocates... in the workplace and everywhere else we go. Seeing normal folks who are trusted talking quietly and calmly about the shooting sports is going to take us a lot farther. Invite your coworkers to the club to shoot and watch them become huge fans. Offer to take non-hunters out and convert them. Ensure your children are exposed to guns and hunting in a positive way and they too will become advocates, even if they choose not to hunt.
A few years back I took my anti-hunting boss to the club and taught him to trap shoot. Over time he became the biggest fan and told everyone. He also came to understand that the club was made up of 550 nice normal folks who represent a true cross-section of responsible society.
If each of us could sway just a handful of others we would see huge gains.
As for Ted Nugent, he is an entertainer. In my opinion he is best ignored. Any reaction justifies his actions.