I'm in total agreement. In my humble opinion, life is to short to hunt with an ugly gun. Oh, and make mine a double, side by side or stack barrel. And this is from a guy who constantly has to indure sitting in a boat(s) with ugly guns on all sides. As I have stated, my everyday duck gun is a Citori Satin Hunter. The last hunt of the season a friend of Eric's, Brandon, handed me his Citori with a Mossy Oak Duck Blind camoflage. Now I'm sure Brandon and I will become friends as he is an ethical hunter and a good guy, but ..... we had swapped guns to look at each others and some Redheads came in. I was alomost forced to take a shot at a duck with the monstrocity in my hands, again, almost.
As for Ted Nugent. I for the most part agree with his politics, the message but not his spoken word. As for questioning his ethics? How can you question them when he hasn't any? I will admit that in the mid/late '70's' Ted's music was a huge part of my 3:00 AM music repertoire mostly whilst driving to the duck marsh. Many miles of driving listening to Stranglehold, Hey Baby, Snakeskin Cowboys, etc. But my musical tastes have progressed and Ted's musical career has not. Sure the old songs are good and will stand the candle of time even if's Nugent's musical candle has been snuffed out. To me, Ted Nugent is the musical equivalent of a surfer who once rode a 10 foot wave but instead of bailing out when it collapsed, is know riding it's one foot remnant and pumping hell out of his board trying to make it to shore.