Thank you Massachusetts

Perhaps this rings a bell...

Article 6
" religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."

Amendment 1
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
Very true, but, every country ever established has a predominant religion involved. While we are supposed to be a "free" country, you cannot deny the fact that our country was founded by Christians! Religion is the reason for the war in the middle east, which has always, and will always be going on no matter how many people we send over there! Whether you like it or not, our existence began with a spiritual battle in a garden and it WILL end with one hell of a spiritual battle as well!!!
Our society has moved from freedom of religion to freedom from Christianity. I don't want an official state religion. I also don't want my rights restricted because I am a Christian.

Brown's election was a breath of fresh air. Time will tell if the party in power has really gotten the message.

Our forefathers never thought about muslim religion, but the second amendment is there as the safety of a corrupt government. The health care bill could jepordize the right to bear arms, by making insurance unobtainable for gun owners.The political process is better when both parties are equal. ( come to my country and make it yours ) Bunch of xxxx. John

Last time I checked, the vast majority of Muslims, just like the vast majority of Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc.., living in this country practice their lives and religion in harmony with our laws and their neighbors. And they, like all others, have the right to practice their own religion so long as it does not infringe on the rights of others or violates the laws of this country.

Its the extremist from any religion, Muslim, Christian, or otherwise, that poses a danger to any civilized society.
I often wonder......If a small minority hold a view that maybe correct and yet is viewed as an extremist position because it is not mainstream......and does no harm to society at large (violence etc.)...yet is suppressed as it is held to be extremist....this might be similar to the repression of the views of Galileo by the Catholic church...Do we really practice what we view as the ideal of an accepting and open society, or are we like chickens that peck the unusual to death?

I propose that we are more like chickens then we will admit...

I never once said anything about any other religion being 'wrong', just simply stating "my beliefs" and what used to be the "belief" of our nation. They've already taken away prayer in schools and the pledge of allegiance and other "religious" practices that use to be part of going to school where I grew up, but no longer! I am entitled to my beliefs just the same as anyone else, I'm just afraid of where we're headed and afraid that we're all losing our "faith" and trusting a human to solve all our problems instead of relying on God!
What ever influence Judeo-Christian thought had over the last millennium in the creation and synthesis of ideas such as English common law or the equality of each citizen is becoming mute in the onslaught of a "new" paradigm that is at its core anti Judeo-Christian. This is evidenced by the repeated attacks upon expressions of any Christian based tradition......

Umm I must be drooling at the mouth again...
As the others have said, thank you Mass!

It looks like the MA residents actually have a chance to keep their guns!!!
I just turned 55 ......according to a friend of mine anything after the age of 55 is a 2012 here we be it...