This next week will make or break our season:


Well-known member
Staff member
A "perfect storm" for duck hunting along the Gulf-coast is forming: the weather has turned down-right frigid east of the Rockies, there is snow all the way south into Arkansas, and the entire MS flyway north of Louisana, MS & Alabama is freezing up and/or will probably be frozen up by Saturday. Heck, even Montgomery & Mobile Alabama have snow in the forecast.
In past years, when this has happened, the hunting down here on the Gulf coast has been simply fantastic.
I plan to take off at least 2 days early next week to see if history repeats itself.
The rest of you guys up north, stock up on fire wood & fuel oil and hang in there.

Current Snow Coverage Map:
[inline cursnow_usa010510.JPG ]

Wed. Forecast lows, supposed to be even colder by Saturday.

[inline usa_TempsWed600am.jpg ]

View attachment cursnow_usa010510.JPG
View attachment usa_TempsWed600am.jpg

You keep posting things like this but I am beginning to wonder if you have thought of the consequences?
wait for it
Just how many of us do you think will fit in your boat at one time??? BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
You'd have to fight a 9 year old for the spot, and he (and Momma) aint gonna let you win!

heck, with all the guys who gave up after the last three and how few guys have been hunting down here this year, I could easily find spots for 3 other boats and we would all be hunting within sight of each other. if the birds show up, come on down!
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My boat is a little tight for 3, so someone would have to go!
You'd just have to drag your boat down, I'm sure it would like a vacation to our "balmy" weather too.
I'm with ya on this one Carl !
looking forward to this weekend , will be on the river since my timber places will be frozen !
I bet y'all will be frozen up, especially by this weekend.
There was ice on the tidal flats on the north end of the bay this morning, I imagine that tomorrow morning some of our smaller protected bays will freeze over if the wind calms around daylight. Seen that happen twice in 1999.
Man, and here I am heading the wrong direction this weekend - north to the MN/Canada frontier for a hockey tournament. What the heck am I thinking?

How far of a drive is Alabama from MN I wonder? I'd pick Dave up along the way and bring a boat.

Mark W
So much for global warming.....oops climate change.....just guaranteed to be different tomorrow then last week,,,or 2 years ago....

Maybe Al Gore can send along some warm weather for those of you who are freezing.....he invented the internet you know....
Carl It's just pay back. Remember when it was so dry up here and wet down there. You said you would send some up. You were a man of your word. We got some much needed moisture. Just trying to return the favor. Takes a little cold and ice to get those birds to move. Bye the way your welcome...hee hee

My boat is a little tight for 3, so someone would have to go!
Well duh,,,,, me and the the boy sounds just about right. You will be providing a marked map of GPS points right? After all, the boy needs to be able come home safe. :>) :>)
Does aybody on here know if the St. francis river will freeze up?? I was going to hunt it near cardwell- paragould area...Starting monday the 11th. If its gonna be an icecube I may as well stay here in PA...
I sure appreciated your help. All three are bookmarked and I'll look forward to working with them. Thanks
I hope you have some good hunting down there. Been very little of it around out East this year. Take some pic's too if you can.
Post pics! Post pics!

~ Standin in the parking lot at Ikea, rootin for ya! (haha, just kiddin)

Serious about the pics though.

Good luck!

Carl, you have got to be covered in redheads up there. This has ended up being a horrible year for them here. Lots of bluebills for some reason though. I usually only see a few here and there but it seems like every trip brings some in. Also getting a handfull of these guys this year!!!!



Managed lessers and greaters in one sculling trip a few weeks back, I've only had that happen once before here about 6 years ago. Good luck this week.