TORQEEDO ELECTRIC MOTOR (Travel 1003-S w/ integrated battery)

Keith Dolbeck

New member
I saw this add in the classified section. Sounds like a possibility for a layout. Anyone have any experience with this product on a duckboat????
These look really interesting, and I'd definitely consider one if/when I need to replace my 3.5. They are pricy. My hope is that by the time I'm in the market, there is some competition and prices come down a little.

I've also never seen one in action and would want to before I purchased.


(1)That long shaft might be a pain to deal with in a duck boat.
(2) How well does the plastic prop deal with the weed tangles and encounters with soft and hard bottoms that are inevitably when taking a duck boat into shallow water.
(3) Is solar charging really feasible? If not, my understanding is that the battery is integral in the motor, so for those of us who leave our boats on moorings, it would require taking the motor out for recharge.

But, if those can be reasonably addressed, the advantage of the quiet and no fuel tank would be mighty inviting.
I'm familiar as, I own one.

The whole motor, including battery; weighs under 30 lbs. They are super easy to transport because of the weight and size. You can remove the engine from the transom in 2 seconds. I would not leave it unattended due to the cost. The best part is that you never spend a dime on gas, oil, or maintenance.

I liked the idea of owning a "green" engine that is allowed on "ANY" body of water, where other engines can't go.

The best attribute is that the battery lasts for longer than 6 hours of running time. There is no guessing regarding how much battery life you have left because, there is a digital display showing you everything...GPS, etc.

Hope this helps. I have only used mine twice. I purchased it as a novelty. I'm constantly intrigued by new technology.
Forgot to mention, the battery dislodges from the motor meaning: it comes off of the motor. Should you need to take it off to charge it. It probably weighs 5 lbs. There is a built in handle on it; which makes for easy carrying. German engineering is superb; just like in their automobiles. The battery basically slides into place. There is a kill switch mechanism just like on every other engine; not seen on other electric motors.
It's basically a noise free engine. You can sneak into any area unannounced.

Also, it's super fast. I put it on a Momarsh Fatboy DP and, it was scary fast.
Forgot to mention, the battery dislodges from the motor meaning: it comes off of the motor. Should you need to take it off to charge it. It probably weighs 5 lbs. There is a built in handle on it; which makes for easy carrying. German engineering is superb; just like in their automobiles. The battery basically slides into place. There is a kill switch mechanism just like on every other engine; not seen on other electric motors.

That makes a big difference. The realistic 6 hour running time is a plus, too.
One of the reasons that I liked it and purchased it was because these Torqeedo's are used interchangeably on various different types of boats...Duck boats, canoes, kayaks, dingys, even boats up to 1.5 tons because of the great torque.
I moved to NYC from Bedford, NY and sold my 14 Bankes and my Momarsh Fatboy DP; which is being picked up this Saturday by Kevin B. from the site. I'm getting ready to start Law school at age 47 and, thus will have little to no time to use these items. I still have a Southbay which I plan on keeping. Basically, I'm living in a highrise next to the water and don't have a house to store these toys anymore. I don't care if it sells because my wife and I are going to be moving when I finish Law school to a home on the water in either CT or Long Island and I'll use it there. I have it locked up in a storage facility in NJ presently. It's not changing my lifestyle by keeping it or selling it. Hopefully, that answers your question.
Dale, I guess I'm fortunate because I have the means to purchase these toys on a whim. They were not "major buying" decisions for me. I recently gave away a truck to a member on this site because I knew that he could use it. If someone would like to buy the Torqeedo, that's great. If not, I don't really care. Someone asked a question about the motor and I responded. I used it twice for a total of about 10 minutes. So, it's basically new in the box.
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Bill, Again, no offence, but how can you field test something for ten minutes, and tell us a charge will last for 6 hours? I’m happy that you have all your money though.
I'm happy that I do also. Thanks !! So is my wife, as she spends most of it. lol

Someone that I knew that presently owned one, prior to me purchasing mine, verified it. That was an attribute that was of interest me. Being able to have a battery that would last me an entire hunt, plus some. As a child, I had a Minn Kota that I constantly had to charge a car battery several times a day to use. I hated dragging the battery in and out of the row boat and, running extension cords down to the dock. That's why this was a no-brainer for me.
In your skull boat pictures from the past, you kept a car battery in your boat. That is exactly what I was trying to eliminate. Why have extra items that are not needed in the boat ?
Bill, I use the battery as ballast. I need 120 lbs. of ballast anyway. So I incorporate it into the ballast. I have never had my battery go dead. I run it on an average day, about 2 hours. I know nothing about the Torqeedo motor..... but the 6 hour charge, at speed... sounds to good to be true.
At low speed, the charge lasts 8 hours, not 6. Most duck hunters that I know aren't running around for that long anyway. It's basically between a 2 and 3 horsepower electric engine. Someone that is in the market for that type of engine might like the use. It beats carrying around a battery in your boat and having to take it in and out. The whole (3) pieces of the Torqeedo weigh a total of (29 lbs). That is less than your car battery. The average weight for a car battery is 39 pounds, and more than half of the weight is lead. Clearly, more efficient but, pricey too. My adage has always been...You only live once. Enjoy Life !!
Nice chatting but, I must get back to studying. Good luck either way. There is plenty of info online about Torqeedo and every other engine out there. Torqeedo is cutting edge. There is no other engine out there that competes with it. Maybe one day there will be. Right now, there isn't.