Tough Post. (NDR)

Derek Bendell

Active member
I recently had my new 4-Month old Daughter in to get checked out, and some small things we thought turned out to be much more serious than I expected. We learned She has a type of Leukemia. Needless to say Boats, and Dekes is back burner stuff at this point.

I don't always make a comment on these tough threads, and I'm not seeking out sympathy cause bad stuff happens all the time. I do often send up a prayer when Guys por lousy situations, and it's clear the Waterfowl Hunters hre are mostly genuine, and sincere with their care, and concern for one another. That nice to see, when we often disagree or even shake our fist at eachother from time to time.

If you're waiting on Boats, or Decoys from me no need to worry all orders will be filled before Teal Season. Just need a little slack to reorganize here in the next couple weeks.

My Kid has a lot of guts, and I'm proud to report that She has initially responded as well as you'd expect given the circumstances. Sorry to hit the forum with tough news, but with my Business being all involved in the Waterfowl Community I had to make a general announcement.

On a positive note modern medicine, and our faith give us lots of hope, and peace about it. Thanks in advance Fellas. -Bender & Family

Sounds like your daughter has the right parents.

Many of us have children who have to learn how to struggle almost from birth - and we parents so quickly learn the depth of our love beyond our imagining. And, very fortunately, we soon learn to appreciate so many in the medical world that have so many wonderful tools available to them.

All the best to your daughter and her family (that includes her Dad),

On a positive note modern medicine, and our faith give us lots of hope, and peace about it.


Prayers being sent on behalf of Your daughter and your entire family. In times like these I am reminded of a quote from the Bible
"All things work together for good to them that love Him and are called according to His purpose (Rom 8:28)"
Derek, your one of the good guys in this world and I am sorry to hear of these circumstances. You, your wife and your daughter will be in my families prayers . If there is any way I can help from NJ please let me know.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Hang tuff. If there is anything thing I can do from Va. let me know.
Sorry to hear this news Bender. I'll be saying some special prayers for your child and your family.

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Hang in there and all the best for you and your daughter. A work colleague had a son born at Christmas time and diagnosed with cancer. With plenty of pray and the wonders of modern medicine, Mason was listed as cancer free few weeks ago. After hearing what my colleague and his family has had to go through it won't be a walk in the park but wonderful things can happen.

If you would, please, post your little girl's first name so we can pray specifically for her healing. The wonders of modern medicine will surely come into play, but I choose to put my trust in a loving, healing God. Thanks for posting this.
May God bless your young daughter and see to it that she gets better fast. Hang in there my friend. Stay strong. I had two children born with autism, so I know how tough it is to deal with this recent news. I didn't think that I would ever get through it. God works miracles and works in mysterious ways. GOD BLESS your daughter from the Abbate family.
Hey Derek

I'm sorry to hear about you daughter. Kids are so resilient that you will be amazed at the future.

If I may offer some minor advice. Get her into Mayo. Do some research and determine who the expert is. Make an appointment and get in right away. I know you spend time up here so take the time and get down there.

If I can help ket me know. I have a good buddy who has leukemia getting treated at Mayo and I have a couple of close buddies who may know who you can reach out to. PM me if I can be of any help.

Mark W
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Thanks Guys. Her name is Lillianne Mae. We've got a lot going for us, and we too are praying there will be a positive result. Thankful to have Her, and not taking one moment for granted.

Great to be encouraged by the Guys here on Duckboats. Never met most of you, but threads like these IMO say a great deal about the characters here. Thanks again.

- Bender