Vintage Hunting License from NC

Joe Friday

Well-known member
Just something to share...

Doing some genealogy on the web this morning and found this NC hunting license which belonged to a relative...dated for 1932-33.

Notable bag limits:
  • Beaver, Buffalo, and Elk are out of season.
  • Unlimited bag limit on wildcats, crows, sparrows, jays, buzzards, great horned owls, cooper's hawks, and sharp-shinned hawks.
  • No open season on Tundra Swan, Wood Ducks, and Eiders.
  • There is a general daily limit of 15 ducks (non-specific as to species).

The license was folded and stored in a small pocket on the reverse side of the button. The hunter was required to display the button while hunting.

huntning license.jpg
Can you go through the other limits and post? I couldn't read the limit on deer but I think I read the limit on squirrels was 10 per day and no limit on rabbits.

I'd be interested in the deer restrictions and other game as applies to us today.

Cool beans,

Cool to remember through old hunting licenses how things changed from only 50 years ago not to mention 90years ago as you have found.

Might be hard for younger folks to believe but as a young teen I remember studying the Penna. Game Comission published booklets on Trapping that showed how to set a leghold trap on a pole for catching Hawks and Owls. Of course that would result in a stiff fine or worse today! Although some of the areas I now hunt where I see more avian predators than game animals/birds would benefit from these pole sets. My understanding is one of the main reasons PA allows shooting of hen (vs. rooster) stocked pheasants is because very few birds survive a full year due to avian predators.

Interesting that Wyoming governor in past week signed something recommending to Feds that Grizzlies be delisted from Endangered Species (believed to be recovered since 2003). Also supported by Idaho and Montana at the state level. Change is the only constant...
Larry Eckart said:
Can you go through the other limits and post? I couldn't read the limit on deer but I think I read the limit on squirrels was 10 per day and no limit on rabbits.

I'd be interested in the deer restrictions and other game as applies to us today.

Cool beans,


Hi Larry,

Here's a complete list with limits. I hadn't noticed before the Bear season. Also, note the turkey bag limit and season. And to think Turkeys were almost wiped out in NC.
  • quail: 10 per day
  • Rabbit: No limit
  • Squirrels: 10 per day
  • Doves: 25 per day
  • Turkey: 2 per day, 5 per season (with a winter season, only, running Nov -Feb)
  • Bears: 1 in western NC, No limit in eastern NC
  • Deer: Only the season dates are given. no season for does this year.
  • pheasant: season closed this year
  • rails and coots: 15 of any one species, 25 total per day
  • woodcock: 4 per day
Thanks for posting Joe, I can't imagine liberal limits like that and especially on raptors. Would be cool to see how the seasons and limits changed across the years like that. Might help people understand how we got to where we are. Was just talking to someone the other day who was complaining that the duck stamp was $25 (he hasn't duck hunted since they increased the price). He didn't realize how important the duck stamp is to conservation and helped learn a bystander of the conversation about how it is a pass for the national parks and helps support them.