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Today is the First Day of Spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Winter is finally over!!!!!!!

And turkey season starts tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy first day of spring to everyone!

We've had highs in the low 80s for almost a week now, if the rain would stop, inshore fishing would really turn on.
Thanks, Dani. To me that means that in about 11 more days the hummers will begin to show up here. I noticed that next week the temps will be in the 70sF and one day with 80F. I'll take that gladly.

Enjoy it!

The peach trees are loaded with blossoms.



Bev and I were sitting by the pond enjoying a can of pop when this male pyrrhuloxia flew in for a drink of water. We are at their northern edge of the breeding grounds. Normally hard to find in this area. They are found in the Chihuahuan high desert region. This is a relative of the cardinal whose song is indistinguishable from it. You will notice it doesn't have much color but for him it is a lot! I have already seen his mate. Just another sign of spring.

Carl, we've had the same great temps here too. Nights in the 50s. Highs in the low 80s, with gorgeous breezes. Lots of flowers blooming. A most gorgeous week.

Al, pretty peach flowers. My peach tree is pretty much done with blooming. It was very pretty, though most of the blooms fell off. Might get a peach or two this year. I've got about 20-30 cardinals that visit my house every morning and evening. They are like christmas lights in my maple tree when they're all hanging out around the feeder since a good majority of the cardinals are male.
Rich- your BAH HUMBUG made me think of this


Hopefully you'll get pretty weather soon.
We're still 5+ weeks from ice out on my favorite brook trout waters. Longer than that until spring run-off is done so the rivers get fishable.

Hating you southerners with your 80 degrees . . . . lol
Yesterday, as I was enduring a killer sinus headache, I would have traded your real snow for the "yellow" pollen snow blowing out of the live oak grove next to our office.
Seriously, the pollen was blowing off the oaks so thick you could see it. My blue SUV was yellow by the end of the day.
Carl, up here it's the white pine pollen that does that--and when it is flying, there are flying ants falling on the brook trout ponds. Late May--bring it on!
But, Jeff we got to have a crisp 4 degrees this morning. Honestly, though I would rather have good skiing in the winter and brookies in the stream in the summer and leave the 80 degree temps and the bass for them down south.
we got another 2" of snow last night.

my observer buddy is in NC manhandling sharks, he specifically called to tell me he is wearing a T-shirt too. he said he had his best day of work ever. he got to play with 200 sharks, then he had to 10 pages of paperwork for each one.

i'm jealous of your turkey season

i need to move...
Dani, did you have any luck? Not to much action for me.... Jeff only hens. Usually I hear a ton of gobbling. This weekend pretty much silence for me.
Chris, come July when it's a 102* you'll be glad your not here. You guys have had an extreme winter in the northeast this year. I'm not sure which is worse brutal cold or the sweltering heat? Jeff

well lucky i came out of the woods alive :p

Traditionally for me in this part of the state I don't hear much gobbling at all the first weekend. I start hearing more gobbling usually for the second weekend. However, I heard NO gobbling this weekend. Not a surprise though with the thick soupy fog I had both mornings. Ah well....always next weekend


I saw the title of this post and thought you were talking about the fish! I fished a Wahoo tourney out of St. Augustine last weekend. Fun and caught a bunch of wahoo, mahi, tuna and a blue marlin..

Good fishing off St. Augie!

Jim O'Brien
Jim....sounds like a great time fishing. I don't think i've gone offshore of St. Augustine to fish except maybe once. Sadly I am quite prone to sea sickness so going offshore is usually pretty miserable for me unless i'm catching. Got any pictures from the trip?

Sea sickness can be rough. I think Dramamine and/or other medications can help a lot if taken the day before and morning of. Offshore fishing is amazing!

Pictures... yup I do have a bunch, but my computer at work (my only computer) does not allow me to add any software so tough for me to post pics here.

Good luck Turkey hunting!

Jim O
I've tried many things.....so far nothing works

email them to me at blueyedgoof(at)gmail.com and I'll post em for you.....