What an adventure!!! (Caution...a bit long...)

great read and good pictures. The gobbler on the trunk could win a photo prize. Thanks for sharing. I think I'll get my turkey permit!
Great story Dani, really enjoyed reading that. Thanks for sharing and congrats on your birds. I really hope to try that someday.
Cool story Dani. Now show some pics of the finished pop-up. Maybe some more of what you plan to do with it - fixin up wise.

Dani, Your stories are never too long. I enjoy your adventures even though the thought of wandering around in the swamp with gators and snakes give me the chills. We don't see many gators in Michigan. The camper looks like it came out great.

Thanks for sharing your exploits with us
Dani, Great story, great hunt.Looks like you and dad did a great job on your camper. Nice to have a civilized camp. BTW, nice chair. I think I will have to wait til I retire to spend that mich time in a turkey woods but that day is coming fast. Now I spend all my personal days in ND in my "rolling duck camp" Congrats and thanks for sharing. The snow is just begining to dissapear here and green woods are a sight for sore eyes.
Great story Dani, thanks for taking us along. I know exactly how you felt after that second shot - what a rush huh?

Nice pic of the tom against the tree with the little blue flowers.
Dani - There are 3 pro golfers out on tour all from the same home town of Milton, Florida - NW part I think. One of them, Boo Weekly, is a real character and an avid hunter. He claimed, in an interview recently, that he had a timber rattler show up by his leg while sitting against a tree turkey hunting in Alabama, I think. He claimed that after a long time he was able to slowly get his gun aimed and shot the snake between his legs !
Probably made the story better for the press but he's just nutty enough to be telling the truth.
Hey great story there Hollywood!......hehe. No....really congrats on a neat hunt. Were you back in the area you told me about in a past hunt on this side of the state or were you closer to home?
That was wonderful Dani.

As for the GPS issues...they only work when they can "see" the satelites. At least three of them to give you any kind of bearing or location. Too many trees that are too thick and the results of the calculations could put you 100 meters off or more. They are best used in open terrian where they have good access to the sky.

When I first tried to use a GPS for finding my way in the marsh in the dark of night I went out in the day time to set way points and mess around. After setting way points on the way out I tried to follow the path back to the boat launch. No looking up to see the landmarks, just look down at the screen. I ended up 50 yards outside of the channel in muck I had to push the boat through. This was not what I needed for navigation in the dark. I can get the boat stuck on my own just fine, thank you very much. Never used the GPS again and stuck with the landnav skills I learned as a kid at sea and in ROTC classes.

Time to learn some landnav skills with basic orienteering using map and compass.

Wishing we had turkeys up here (other than the feral ones that get loose from farmers).

When you coming down to FL? Gonna hunt or fish?


Well I wish I was hunting or fishing. It's spring break in Michigan so I'm taking the family down to Ft. Lauderdale for a family vacation. Just fun in the sun:)
Great hunt story Dani ! You got me thinking about May 1st, my opener.
Very nice shootin, great birds, especially that 2nd Tom !
Hi Dani: Great story and photos. Congratulations on your two birds. Looking forward to getting out this spring and hope I can do half as good as you did.
Dani, Really great story. I was with you on that second bird...I was like "bugger the mud take your shot". Thanks for taking the time to share your tale..

The only thing I can say is I am feeling for those co-workers cos I bet your going to share that story once or twice....I know I would...


hahahahaah yup there are a couple here who have just rolled their eyes when anyone in the office asks me how my trip went...

I just had to have a pretty bird though...BUT if he wasn't going to come out you can bet I'dve shot him in the mud
Dani thanks for sharing, you've got me fired up now. Cant wait for first season here. Hope the weather is good I'm tired of rain/snow/cold. :) Great pictures glad to see that TJ isnt stuck up to the fenders like the last picture I saw of it. thanks for taking us along on a great hunt!


imagine that...first year since i've been turkey hunting that I haven't had "issues" out in the woods with a stuck truck...maybe I am learning something....


or perhaps it's just too dry to get stuck in the mud
Cool story Dani. Now show some pics of the finished pop-up. Maybe some more of what you plan to do with it - fixin up wise.


I'll be getting some more pictures of the popup probably tomorrow...I'll be sure to post the completed bit...

Dani, Great story, great hunt.Looks like you and dad did a great job on your camper. Nice to have a civilized camp. BTW, nice chair. I think I will have to wait til I retire to spend that mich time in a turkey woods but that day is coming fast. Now I spend all my personal days in ND in my "rolling duck camp" Congrats and thanks for sharing. The snow is just begining to dissapear here and green woods are a sight for sore eyes.

Tom, overall I am happy with the camper top...there are some cosmetic things that I may do later but we'll see. I like that chair too...my gramma gave it to me for christmas one year...and I doenjoy my nice civilized air conditioned camp...especially down here

plenty of green down here...just come on down...

Dani - There are 3 pro golfers out on tour all from the same home town of Milton, Florida - NW part I think. One of them, Boo Weekly, is a real character and an avid hunter. He claimed, in an interview recently, that he had a timber rattler show up by his leg while sitting against a tree turkey hunting in Alabama, I think. He claimed that after a long time he was able to slowly get his gun aimed and shot the snake between his legs !
Probably made the story better for the press but he's just nutty enough to be telling the truth.


Steve told me once about how he was sitting in the woods in FL a long time ago turkey hunting, only to look down because he felt something moving on his leg and saw a big ole diamondback rattler moving across his legs. He said that it made a gorgeous hat band that year...I believe it happens...
