Hi CJ I just had Gus weighed 102 and he's very lean. I've been tinking about adding a new Duck boat for Puddlers and Geese , Has to be big enough for 2 men and Gus. I've been looking around and the best boathat I've that will fill the bill is Charlie Foulds, Black Brant III its a honey of a boat.
Capt... Are you saying that the BBIII fits the bill for 2 men and a big dog? I ask because I had a BBII... and they are essentially the same size. I have had another hunter and Kodi (94 lbs). And it is waaaaay to small. Perhaps that is because the 5 doz decoys in the boat. Of course I didn't carry any decoys on the forward deck, which would have provided more room. I too really like the BBIII, but I think for 1 guy. I think the ideal Devlin for open water/ skinny water boat would be the Scaup or Cackler. I don't like being too crowded in the boat.
As for the TDB or Banks being too high in the marsh.... don't use the blind... it will only be about 20"-24" above the waterline.
Phil, I've never seen a Scaup or a Crackler. But I did see a Charlie's BB III. I was very impressed with the boat and looked like more that enough room for 2 men and a dog. Now I'm talking about crossing an open bay and laying for Puddlers . I've looked at the plans and photos of the Scaup, Definetly a bigger boat and would do the job. I feel its kind of big for a for that application. I just don't like the way the Crackler looks.. Years ago, when I was young, handsome and stupid. I degigned and had built a 14'x5'4" duck boat that 2 gunners laid side by side and shot over the bow. The dog sat between us. Me being a lefty shot I felt it was and still do the best duck boat I ever saw Unfortunatly, I let it rot away. If I told you about some of the trips across South Oyster Bay you would not believe it. But I'm still here to talk about them. You are probably right about the Scaup. I'm 62 now and would be much more comforable laying in a Scaup. Removable hatches over the cockpit with a heater underneath, your in heaven. Now when I gunned the Bay, I gunned over 18 Stool, 15 Blacks 2 Mallards and a Pintail (all McCormick's). I wasn't interested in Brant, but I would shoot a goose if it flew by. which was never. Thats why when I looked at Charlie's BB III I thought it would be perfect.
Forget the TDB or Bankes, as far as I'm concerned a duck has got to look like a duck boat. There not for me.