What's on the Workbench in September...

Derek and Xena

Active member
...sorry Brandon, I couldn't wait! :)

I just finished putting the keel on this Black Duck and signed it this morning. It's ready to be shipped to Mr. Lloyd Heins. This is part of a swap over on workingdecoys.net

Here it is:



This is one of my favorite threads to follow and I can't wait to see what y'all have in store this month, with the season just around the corner!!!
In preparation for my trip to Tuckerton later this month... I owe Ron some more chain clamps for building sneakboxes. I made a pr awhile back, and he said they worked well. I tried another design on these. If he does not like them as much I can modify them to the first design....

These are the 2012 model...

These are the orignials that I modeled after:


Dave and Derek very nice pieces.

With 6-7" of rain here yesterday work outside was too wet for me. Got some inside stuff taken care of and went to the paint room


I am just glad that someone started the thread this month. There is actually a little stress on my part as the new month approaches. To get something done to post.. I am posting on my phone and can't see the pictures its to slow to load.
Ill check in tonight..

On my bench last was a big pile of pad weights.
Another great month is off to a fine start.

Tom: I'm glad you got some much needed rain. I wish we'd get some. It's turned off hotter'n blazes again, but college football has started so fall weather can't be far behind.

No one wants to follow Bob's or Geoff's work on these threads but I go ahead anyway. I am in the same boat as Bob, spending lots of hours on stuff but bouncing around from item to item. I have lots of decoys working there way off the bench and Ill try and get the posted soon but for now here is a pair that is complete.

Madi's Buffies.

My daughter's favorite duck is a buflehead and I will admit to bringing quite a few home in the bag over the years. This year on her eighth birthday I began this pair of Buffies. They will be hunted and some day I hope they float in her rig while her and I hunt with my grandchildren. The picture is a little washed out and you can not see the detail but I had some help with paint recently and I drew on those new concepts. If I get a better picture later I will post it.


David are those clamps made to put a length of chain between?
yes Charlie, they are chain planking clamps, infinitely adjustable, and conforms to the shape of the hull, where a bar clamp would never work.
working on some final paint soon, not sure but may go ahead and put some primaries on these dudes and call it good..


No one wants to follow Bob's work on these threads but I go ahead anyway.


That's the great thing about DHBP. No one need worry about trotting out what's being worked on. I don't know about you, but I enjoy seeing what's posted regardless of the skill level of the poster. It's not a contest, and there's some darned nice stuff showing up on this thread every month.

Here's a little poem that Lem Ward wrote:

Are You the Best?

When you say you are the best
At anything you do.
Just look around a little bit
A surprise waits for you.
It's great to think you are the best
But keep it to yourself.
You'll find there is some right nice work
On someone else's shelf.

I'm with Bob. I enjoy seeing everyones work. I just get a kick out of seeing you guys exploring traditional styles and shapes...not to mention some nice wet oil paint. The simple shapes and efficient paint are what always say decoy to me.

Here's classic Canvasback of my own....




David are those clamps made to put a length of chain between?
yes Charlie, they are chain planking clamps, infinitely adjustable, and conforms to the shape of the hull, where a bar clamp would never work.
just curious, did you run a straight board down the bottom center of sneakbox? Then pull the sequential boards towards it with clamps? Ive heard that puts alot of stress on the stem to build that way? Gus Heinrich used to build that way and his boat's bow would straighten alot by time he was finished with the boat, pointing the bow lower towards the waves because of the stress, as opposed to other builders who had a high flare to their bow. Have you expirenced the same??
Tom - No worries. I just hope you don't mind me jumping in with your Canvasbacks. I love the Ward influence

Kristan - Yes, they are headed out to Paducah today. Did you already see some photos? They are part of a another pair of bachelors...


just curious, did you run a straight board down the bottom center of sneakbox? Then pull the sequential boards towards it with clamps? Ive heard that puts alot of stress on the stem to build that way? Gus Heinrich used to build that way and his boat's bow would straighten alot by time he was finished with the boat, pointing the bow lower towards the waves because of the stress, as opposed to other builders who had a high flare to their bow. Have you expirenced the same?? [/QUOTE]

Charlie, to be honest, I have only been involved with a couple full builds at the Tuckerton Seaport, and this all after Gus passed, so I have been working with Ron, who learned from Gus. There is a straight "garboard" that all the planks are fitted to. There is quite a bit of fitting to the planks before they are pulled snug with the clamps and then fastened to the frames. Gus built planing hulls from what I have seen, and they did not have much bow flair. Ron has been building various designs since Gus passed. I think there is a decided effort not to build Gus boats, out of respect to his legacy. Ron can speak to that.

I have an all glass sneakbox sitting on some saw horses that I got from Mike Braun, here on the list...that was built some 35 years ago by a fellow lister.... perhaps because of how it is sitting on the saw horses, more at eye level, it appears to have a huge flair. I am anxious to see how she will run with a 15hp on her... I expect she will be a screamer.
What's on my workbench in September? Well, I'll tell you -- a new workbench! I added this to my existing shop with some scrap wood that came from an old building the church owns. It's made decoy carving so much easier, but so much messier!

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I also fabricated a contraption to hold my cork blocks down while carving. Made it out of an Irwin wood clamp. I even got to use my router bit from my Broadbill build to cut the insert in my table top!

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I then carved my first mallard block using my new contraption while the rain fell on Labor Day. Carving is so much easier now!

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Grace and peace,


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