What's On Your Workbench -June


Thanks. Here's the original Lancaster #500 that gave me most of the idea. I saw one go at auction a few months ago for $50. Too far of a drive for me but somebody got a deal. If you are making drawers or boxes they make life a lot easier.


Man that is fantastic. Your unique style does the bird justice. Anytime ya challenge yerself outside of doing waterfowl yer moving in a positive direction. Two Thumbs Way UP!

There have been Flickers around so much that I've decided to do a watercolor of one. In fact there's one calling outside the kitchen window now. Inspiration from nature we cannot resist.

Best regards
Thanks my friend! Yes it's definitely neat to do something different. End it actually continues a long tradition of making Flickr Decoys. The eastern shore of Maryland has had them for over a century, they were often put on telephone poles and shot during the fall for food. They call them "yellowhammers "there
Thanks my friend! Yes it's definitely neat to do something different. End it actually continues a long tradition of making Flickr Decoys. The eastern shore of Maryland has had them for over a century, they were often put on telephone poles and shot during the fall for food. They call them "yellowhammers "there


There is a special place in ALLEGHENY NATIONAL FOREST named Yellowhammer that I hunted for many years. In the 1960's my cousin and I asked my uncle and mentors what it meant. As you wrote - Flickers, and Flickers in large numbers. I heard more of them call at that place than anywhere else I've been. Very fond memories... As far as eating they should taste as good as doves or better as they do not fly as much and breast meat should be a little lighter in color. When folks are hungry they eat what God gives em. I know that many carvers on the Eastern Shore have carved them over a long period of time. I always like each carvers interpretation of the bird.

I look at your work, admire it, and wonder why have I not carved one yet? Thank you for inspiring me once again my friend.

Here's to YELLOWHAMMERS. Salud!!

Best regards

There is a special place in ALLEGHENY NATIONAL FOREST named Yellowhammer that I hunted for many years. In the 1960's my cousin and I asked my uncle and mentors what it meant. As you wrote - Flickers, and Flickers in large numbers. I heard more of them call at that place than anywhere else I've been. Very fond memories... As far as eating they should taste as good as doves or better as they do not fly as much and breast meat should be a little lighter in color. When folks are hungry they eat what God gives em. I know that many carvers on the Eastern Shore have carved them over a long period of time. I always like each carvers interpretation of the bird.

I look at your work, admire it, and wonder why have I not carved one yet? Thank you for inspiring me once again my friend.

Here's to YELLOWHAMMERS. Salud!!

Best regards
Great history Vince. Thanks for sharing that. I can't wait to see what you create !