Joel, we lost most of the coastal shoreline wetlands we normally hunt. We stopped to talk to a fifth generation commercial fisherman a day prior the opener. It was blowing a gale and pouring. Joel made a special point of telling us his and his brother's boat would not be going out in the morning... Just getting the boat in the water was a chore in itself, courtesy of the wind and rain. At the time, it didn't seem like a benefit, but one of my blind panel end couplings apparently made contact with the toggle switch panel and turned something on during the 89 mile tow down there, killing the battery. We launched the boat and plugged-in the charger, after mooring it and hoped for better luck in the morning. In that short half hour in the elements we were both soaked, requiring both of us to switch over to our Beretta jackets. Now, I have three Gore-Tex jackets that leak...
Opening morning was cloudy and dry. High points of the day were the nice lone black that came in at first legal light and the flock of eight geese that came in without making a sound, banked around twice and dropped right on top of the goose decoys. Absolutely quiet...that was pretty to see!!