Whistlers... Almost done

Well, I've been working on these for quite a while. Just too busy to do much carving, but I finally got some paint on the drakes. A couple details left to finish (ie bills, keels) and then on to the hens.

The hens - ready for eyes and then to be sealed.

Dan, they look like great gunners...............the open mouth is really cool..................Kevin
Thanks guys!

For the length of time I've been carving I ought to have a sizeable rig by now. But in reality, this is my first actual 'rig' (more than a pair). So I'm pretty happy with how they're turning out so far. Can't wait to hunt over em next season!

Looking good, those ought to work just fine. Can't wait to see the finished hens. Give me a call when you are ready to "break them in" this fall. I can always "bat cleanup" and take care of any cripples. hehe
Great looking decoys! I like that hen "open mouth" as well, lets see them when the hens are painted up too....Thanks for sharing

Great looking decoys. Paint up two hens and enter the 6 bird rig at WestLake. You may not have made them for competition, but it is worth a shot.
Dan, nice looking rig, i especially like the swimmers.

You should get some great decoying with those birds. I just hope we get at least a four bird whistler limit for next year.
You're right, I didn't make em for competition. And at the rate I'm going, I don't think I have much of a shot at getting any hens done in time. I'm out of town or working the next 4 weekends. But you never know... I've thought of trying it out one some day.

You have a species limit on Goldeneyes in Wisconsin? That's kinda rough. I think it would be nice to have a separate season for GE and mergansers since they really are the tail end of the migration around here. Course then more guys would hunt em I suppose.
Don't believe any state has a specie specific goldeneye limit less then the bag limit, but I have heard it is coming from some people I know on the flyway council.