There has been a little fur market resurgence on beaver in the past couple three years, but it is starting to dwindle back down now. The widely popular TV show Yellowstone had everyone going to buy a cowboy hat, so beaver felt for making the hats was in high demand. Trappers trapped beaver and it was pretty easy to flood that little bump in the market with product, so prices are starting to come back down now.
I am in North Carolina. I have the option to ship my fur to Fur Harvesters Auction in Canada or sell to Groenewald Fur and Wool when their spring truck route comes through NC. FHA may usually yield you a couple more dollars but you have to pay shipping and an 11% auction commission, so I typically sell to GFW when he comes through 20 minutes from my house. Fur is selling for less now than it did when you were selling it in 1982. The last couple years a good fleshed and dried blanket beaver brought you right around $40. This year that will probably be $30 with the XL's and L's being down in the low 20's. Southern raccoons are only worth a buck or two, muskrats the same.
I sell my otter on the taxidermy market for fairly good money. I started trapping seriously in 2012 and at that time a fleshed and dried otter at auction was minimum a $100 bill. Now at auction they are 25-30 bucks, but I get 2 to 3 times that on the taxidermy market.
Unfortunately I don't know if a real fur market will ever come back. Our society seems to be convinced that killing animals is bad, and wearing fur is worse. They preach environmental friendliness and then wear synthetic, non sustainable, petroleum based clothing. Fur is a renewable resource that is much warmer and more effective than synthetic clothing. It doesn't get more "green" than that!