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Adding side planks

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 1 reviews


Great approach! I do have a few questions, of course.....

What wood did you use for the sides? Treated SYP could be a good choice - as SYP is a traditional boat lumber. Not a good choice if it's not yet dry, however.

Did you consider the traditional "Spanish windlass" for pulling the sides into the transom?

Finally: I typically use a skilsaw (circular saw) to cut long sweeping curves. I find it easier to keep from wandering than a saber saw (jigsaw).

Keep up the fine work!

Richard Lathrop

Treated SYP is so wet I would worry about how it dries out under a layer of fiberglass.

The wood seems to be fir. Not an ideal boatbuilding wood but I came to conclusion based on several factors.

1. Duckboats are utility boats. This will probably have a life span of 10 years.
2. This is a trailer boat and will spend more time on a trailer then in the water.
3. At $8 per board foot it didn’t make sense for cost to buy the cypress.l could find.
4. I wanted to present options to someone who has limited access to traditional materials.
5. This will be epoxy and fiberglassed. The wood is more of a core.

Plus this is a learning experience and I can build another.

I appreciate the questions. I have been giving it a lot of thought myself.

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