Search results

  1. C

    Small water with my father and son

    Nothing like Hunting being a Family tradition. Congrats....!!!!!!
  2. C

    Charlie Foulds ( And anyone else who likes new boats)

    NICE RIG....!!!! Thanks Howard, she looks like she will run some big water and hide well to boot.....keep the pics coming.....!!!!!!
  3. C

    Poll: What wind hunts best--and why?

    There is only one thing that the wind direction does for me, and that is......helping me make my decision on where to hunt.
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    South Shore Waterfowlers Association DUCKBOAT SHOW & WATERFOWL FESTIVAL Oct 24th, Babylon, Long Island, NY

    Not this year. Hunting cabin needs a new roof and this is the weekend. I have a Devlin Mallard I wanted to sell at the show this year.....oh well............if anybody is interested, let me know
  5. C

    Finally there done

    Gary, That is a rig anybody would be proud to gun over.......sweet looking blocks for sure!!!!!
  6. C

    Just nasty today

    I use the same method with the BBIII. Most times I just bow in and use 1 pole at the stern. Sure makes moving with the incoming or outgoing tides a lot easier than anchoring.
  7. C

    "Weeds" on the water

    Very,Very Nice Bob.........
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    Battery relocation question

    I just used the same gauge that was on my 25 and made up my own cables for my BBIII
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    Phil Eager wanted to know

    Congrats on "The Win" Capt.......Now you can pick up some more decoys...........We can never have enough decoys:):)
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    Some pics

    Thanks Al :):)
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    went after chukars today

    WOW Gary, Some of the finest Bighorn photos I have ever seen..!!!! Congrats on a successful hunt.
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    Camo'ed up my Chuck Huff

    Great job Dave......The ducks are in trouble for sure..:):)
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    My BBII

    Gary, Lets get together for a BB hunt this year........old school style:):) PICTURES????????????
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    Not duckhunting related. But a great morning

    Nice buck John, I have seen some slammers over the years out by the lighthouse...mostly at night though. Congrats
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    Got to meet one of our members .....Charlie Foulds

    Bob, Same here.............Keep me updated on how the Ohio,Indiana trip goes. Pictures of big bucks always welcome. Good luck with the new yammy...!!!! Charlie
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    My first BBSB

    Great Job...!!! Thanks for the pictorial..........I loved it. Good Luck with her
  17. C

    light weigt trailer

    cas, How wide is that trailer??
  18. C

    Black Brant III Build

    Very nice build Daryl............One problem I see is water getting in to the floatation compartment around your bilge hose....make sure you seal this area VERY well seeing how it is below any area that would fill with water. You do not want that floatation foam absorbing any water.