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  1. M

    Fuel Tank Question

    Yes. I am considering putting a portable topside tank below my planked floor.
  2. M

    Fuel Tank Question

    Can a topside fuel tank be place below a slatted floor with spacings one paint stick width apart? Thanks for any help. Mike
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    First ever decoy heads

    They look great Charlie. My first heads were used as fire starter in the wood burner. I wouldn't worry much about time spent, my first heads took 6 hours each and as previously stated, they did not make the cut. Now my heads take less than 30 minutes, so keep at it, it will get easier. Mike
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    Aluminum Primer?

    Is there an aerosol aluminum primer on the market or will any Rustoleum type metal primer work on bare aluminum? Thanks for your help.
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    The importance of hens in a rig?

    There are several reasons to do a 50/50 rig of hens and drakes. 1-Dark colors are most visible on cloudy days, so over exaggerate dark hens 2-Hens are more fun to paint then drakes (this one is for you Chuck) 3-Collectors want pairs, if you ever plan on selling retired birds 4-Sometimes...
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    Thought for today

    I too concur and thank you Dennis.
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    Old WI Marsh skiff

    Bill, Pete and I were the "piker's" in this crowd. Never saw so many London best grades, and even though we were probably the only true waterfowlers in this upland crowd, we held our own in the shooting...especially on incomers, because after all, we are decoyers!
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    Looking for a carver to study with in Wisconsin or the U.P.

    Brandon, I'm no decorative decoy carver, But I have made over 800 decoys, and would be glad to help in any way I can. Last year, thru an introduction made by Pat Gregory, I became friends with Mike Lashbrook, and was finally freed from a painting style that wasn't mine as well as picking up...
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    cedar gunners?

    Chris and I have totally different opinions, but I never thought of it as a fight. I know some sites can't host a disagreement without tempers flaring, but I don't feel that is the case here. That is what makes this site exceptional. _Bob, frond decoys should be outlawed! Using tropical wood...
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    cedar gunners?

    Brandon, I liked George's answer as well. I sure wish you would post your bobtail pic. Bobtails are great open water design. I'm a 50/50 carver , between cork and wood. After giving consideration to George's design statement, solid wood decoys were the most prolific, big water diver decoy...
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    cedar gunners?

    Chris, lets say all things are equal with the wooden head and neck. Do you actually think a hollow cedar decoy body will hold up as well as a solid high density cork body? I know you get cold weather where you live, but up here when hunting day after day in with air temps in the teens...
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    cedar gunners?

    Christian, I guess I am the odd man out. Most cedar decoys because of their cost are babied and not hunted hard. In Keith Muellers book, The Art In Making Decoys", he states, "The decoys would have to hold up for several seasons at a time without seasonal touch-up and repairs". I have bought...
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    New Age Paint Job

    Decking with wood an 18' aluminum deep- vee this summer, and although most of the boats on this site are traditional, and painted traditional (one of the things I like best about this site), I have decided to do a rock pile camo job. Does anyone have pics of this type of paint job? Although...
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    Mom Makes A Marsh Boat

    First off Happy Mothers Day! Thought you might enjoy this "mom" story. A mom, fashioning papyrus reeds into a boat, and then waterproofing with tar and pitch, put her child in it and hid him among the reeds. The kid grew up and freed 2 million plus people. For further reference read Exodus...
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    A day with a Master...

    Mike definitely qualifies as a master. I have never met someone who could not only replicate old paint schemes stroke for for stroke, but can put them on with the same timing and same sequence as the original painter. A master who has painted around 5000 decoys and is willing to share is a...
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    Picture heavy - One of the things I like...

    Bob, I know the feeling. After my first visit to Bill Jaqua's, I began thinking $4000 to $5000 guns were a bargain! Great pics. Eddie, do they ever let you touch Lord Ripon's gun, just to see if some of the "magic " is transferable? I sure enjoy reading of his exploits.
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    Old Fart Birthday Alert

    Thanks Pete. Now I know why my wife tells me I need a beard trim and yes it does look like a camera adds at least 20 pounds! Thanks for the prayers Jim. It means a lot. Ryan, have been trying to insert them inline. Wispete, my new double is a 1904 English gun, so I'm getting close. Next...
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    Oil Spill Blues

    Terrible thing, all that devastation to wetlands and water. I hope , but don't expect them to catch the culprits. This spill is really politically charged.
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    Decoy Photos - Traditional Style Bufflehead

    Geoff, you transition to oils appears to be going well. Very nice!
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    Sub-floor Rigidity Question

    On my new aluminum hull, I plan on putting in a tamarack floor. The boat has aluminum strings going port to starboard, every 6". my question is, if I screw the plank floor to these aluminum cross stringers, will the boat become too rigid, and thus putting stress on the hull rivets? I could...