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  1. chris k

    Big old freighter canoe rebuild

    have you been working on this boat at all just curios on the progress.
  2. chris k

    A day with my boy and a pup (UPLAND GAME)

    Hey Randy I grew up hearing a lot of stories of all you guys. I passed the hello along to my dad. Maybe we can get together for a hunt sometime?
  3. chris k

    A day with my boy and a pup (UPLAND GAME)

    I took my son out for his first bird hunt last sunday and i also got my 8 month old lab out. We have a semi wild club on base here they stocks pheasant and chuckers, with this being my dogs first expierence with live birds i opted for chuckers nowing that they tend to hold tighter then a...
  4. chris k

    packing list

    License and stamp is taken care of. Thats a good idea on the clothes line and I did add the boot dryer to my list definetley would have forotten that. Thanks for the input i will see what the guides in the area say to bring.
  5. chris k

    packing list

    well im going on my first out of state waterfowl hunt in two weeks im trying to do my best not to forget anything but with being there for 4 days there is a good amount of extra gear. Anyone have anything in mind i should bring i may over look?
  6. chris k

    repairing plastic decoys

    just got an email back drom tanglefree new decoy is in the mail. they stood by there product and ill be buying more of there decoys
  7. chris k

    repairing plastic decoys

    Second try with great stuff came out better still sprayed to much but was able to manage it. The one I did last night needed some cleaning up but it won't leak anymore and didn't take more then some elbow grease to get the excess foam off. As far as the water keels go I no longer have any so I...
  8. chris k

    repairing plastic decoys

    here is a picture of a water keel i did my practice "plastic weld" on i had to fill two holes near the front then i filled it with sand and capped off the end just to give an idea on how i went about fixing the others except for the brand new decoy that split at the seems still waiting to hear...
  9. chris k

    repairing plastic decoys

    I have a few older decoys that needed attention I did a practice with the foam and I have a volcano on my work bench waiting for it to dry and I also used my soldering iron and some plastic I used from a decoy that was completely shot up and welded a keel that was hanging off back on not sure...
  10. chris k

    repairing plastic decoys

    i did a search and found a few things people were saying to try such as filling with foam plastic weld jb weld 4500 just wondering if anyone has come up with a sure fire way to fix plastic decoys i have a few that are brand new and they are cracking by the keel and splitting at the seems. i was...
  11. chris k

    kids clothing

    are hunting circle is just starting hahaha in a way most have either passed on all the used stuff to me while i was comming up or are all just starting up as in the oldest child in the group of guys i hunt with is 5. i can remember wearing old old boots with big thick wool liners in them with...
  12. chris k

    Cassiopeia - pilothouse for the Mother Ship

    thank you for documenting this so well i love to see how it all comes together. gives me insperation for my smaller projects much smaller hahaha.
  13. chris k

    kids clothing

    my son is 3 years old going to be 4 in january and its at the point where i am scouting more for spots a duck might come in rather then hunt the honey hole where I'd have to leave my son behind so he has "hunting clothes" mostly things i found in his drawer and said this will work. but as he is...
  14. chris k

    grassed duck boss today

    Boat looks good. I'd say your girl friend is a keeper.
  15. chris k

    Question about a lathe

    So I was cleaning at work and came across a lathe I want to set it up in the shop but not sure how to i saw on YouTube some guys mount them on a saw horse type stand I was hopping some one could point me in a direction of a starter set of knives and how to set it up. Thanks for any input just...
  16. chris k

    floater goose storage

    I cant do Texas rigs water is to deep and tides change to much
  17. chris k

    floater goose storage

    I wad doing the bag trick but with limited space it wasn't working out. I have them hung up now on chain fish stringers and that's working great for storing it. I'll be out again next Saturday so I will get back to you with how it works for deploying and picking up.
  18. chris k

    floater goose storage

    Well after thinking about this all night I went into my garage and started cleaning found an old metal fish stringer with the clips and wamo easy clip on and off and hangs up nice to store now I just have to go to WalMart and buy a few best thing is I just take them off the hook and toss into...
  19. chris k

    floater goose storage

    Well I have all but figured out how to neatly store my duck floater and full body goose decoys I have with shelves I made but the one thing I can't figure out is goose floaters they just don't fit unless I build a 2 foot shelf but I don't have room for that. I was thinking of rigging them so...
  20. chris k

    Big old freighter canoe rebuild

    Making any progress on the boat?