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  1. Bob Mitchell

    October "Whats on your Work Bench?"

    Beautiful work Willy I love them all. Here is my October bench full body Ruddy drake Tupelo and acrylics. BobM
  2. Bob Mitchell

    Something that did not make Tuckerton.

    Spectacular!!! WOW!!! they are beautiful. . Bob M
  3. Bob Mitchell

    September "What's on your workbench?"

    Beautiful teal rig Jode and thanks for the kind words on my mergys. Here is the Hen hooded merganser in progress .
  4. Bob Mitchell

    September "What's on your workbench?"

    I have been thinking about doing a diorama type display featuring my favorite subject hooded mergansers . I decided to work up a preliminary 2d pattern that would give me freedom to adjust the characters through out the development phase . Once I get the mergansers to scale and in position ill...
  5. Bob Mitchell

    August "Whats on your workbench?"

    I guess its still august so here's the RB Merganser hen from earlier post. Bob M
  6. Bob Mitchell

    August "Whats on your workbench?"

    Thanks Phil and Dan, Heres the hen im working on that goes with the drake.
  7. Bob Mitchell

    August "Whats on your workbench?"

    Canvasback Drake hollow basswood. Bob M
  8. Bob Mitchell

    August "Whats on your workbench?"

    Im working on a pair of Red Breasted merganser this month heres the hen WIP. Basswood. Bob M
  9. Bob Mitchell

    August "Whats on your workbench?"

    Teal on the bench here as well . Bob M
  10. Bob Mitchell

    July "What's on your workbench?"

    Working on some fish and lures . BobM
  11. Bob Mitchell

    June "whats on your workbench?

    Red Breasted Merganser black walnut natural finish. BobM
  12. Bob Mitchell

    May, Time for a new "Whats on your workbench?"

    Black Walnut R B Merganser in progress this month .
  13. Bob Mitchell


    Thanks for the warm welcome all. Keith your birds are Lizard awesome!!!!!!!! (I heard that once somewhere its a good thing ) Im saving for the book I hope ya still have some left when I get it together. Steve Maggie Vally is still there waiting for a visit when the Azalias are in...
  14. Bob Mitchell


    Tim . Right on both counts I defiantly don't live here for the ducks.
  15. Bob Mitchell


    Wow their is some high caliber talent on this board I recognize many names from the DCF where somebody left the light on . I hope to learn how to make a boat someday.I'm just a cork hacker foo foo painter but I find even an old dog can learn new tricks . Woof Woof