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  1. C

    One hundred years and one week ago....

    Playing Devil's Advocate....with the Ivory-bill stuff, thereis a lot of evidence of extensive deforestation by Native Americans was bvery extensive prior to I am not sure about forest destruction...there were extensive colonies in the Northeast into the 1880s....but a nesting...
  2. C

    One hundred years and one week ago....

    100 year and one week ago was the passing of a species that once was estimated to comprise 25-40 percent of ALL the birds in North America. With flocks measured in hundreds of miles in length, and billions of birds. Some frontiersmen credit this species with surviving hard times. Of course it...
  3. C

    The Delta Marsh Canvasback...

    I remember seeing a bufflehead that I would have lobed to have had. Clint
  4. C

    The Delta Marsh Canvasback...

    I remember the days I spent at Delta as a Webster Fellow....Peter was always one with insight and a great story teller. Remember seeing one of the decoy shacks open and drooling over the great blocks. Clint
  5. C

    Hot off the Presses: Trend Report!!!

    The problem may well be that the continued high ponds mean they have not had a chance to dry, and are now less productive. That may be why the link between May ponds and mallard productivity is not as strong as it has been in the past. Clint
  6. C

    Climate Change vs. Waterfowl Migration

    Just asking myself. WWGBD? SO I went and took a poop. Clint
  7. C

    Climate Change vs. Waterfowl Migration

    Carl, I would say we have in some areas of Louisiana....they no longer exist. After Hurricane Rita...I was in several meetings that started with "not rebuilding IS NOT AN OPTION"...loss of tax base, etc. How do we change that? Clint
  8. C

    Climate Change vs. Waterfowl Migration

    Have you actually read the paper....if so send me a copy. I can not access it, and do not want to decide on the abstract. Also, I believe it is a cope out to avoid commenting on policy you want politicians interpreting science to make decisions? Clint
  9. C

    Climate Change vs. Waterfowl Migration

    I am impressed...sample size if 1 and you reject...I have done it and know several others who do. You do not want to claim to be a how can you evaluate the work? Have you actually read the paper...I haven't because I can not access it. You don't even seem to be aware of...
  10. C

    Climate Change vs. Waterfowl Migration

    You are not going to randomly guess.... buy you will believe the results without any background info of skepticism.... why was this not published in a wildlife journal? Yes, I know if you can not find a favorable outlet ....go to amore obscure one so the peer review will be different. Clint
  11. C

    Climate Change vs. Waterfowl Migration

    Please show me incidences when downscaling models have worked.....SERDP has nervous studies when they have not worked...particularly in Alaska and the Pacific Atolls....but you are not being critical at admit to flaws....but, you are willing to believe stuff in a metertological...
  12. C

    Climate Change vs. Waterfowl Migration

    For you a lot of bluster without addressing the downscaling am I a troll or are you? Clint
  13. C

    Climate Change vs. Waterfowl Migration

    Damn...have tried to reply several times....are you blocking them? Having been part of the SERPD proprosal review committee for several years, we rejected many proposals because of the failure of downscaling models...please show me where downscaling models (used in the paper I cannot...
  14. C

    Climate Change vs. Waterfowl Migration

    Todd, Please do not tell me you believe the peer review process is pure. That would be ignoringing several NAS (and Nature) articles suggesting otherwise. Clint
  15. C

    170 years ago....

    I have more thoughts as we get closer to September....just a couple of interesting facts...Martha was thought to be 29 when she died....old for a dove/pigeon. The last captive Carolina Parakeet died in the same aviary Martha did. Clint
  16. C

    170 years ago....

    Steve, I have both of those, as well as Schroger's book on passenger pigeons. Would love to get Wiley's book on Carolina Patakeet....but last price I saw was $ it will have to wait. Hornaday's book (1913 I think) is a good read. Clint
  17. C

    170 years ago....

    Either yesterday or today, the last 2 Great Auks were killed on Eldey Island, off the coast of Iceland. The pair was killed and their egg crushed in the chase. Because if their rarity during their final years, large rewards were paid for skins by the top museums for their collections. So the...
  18. C

    Bluebill Banding 2014... (Rekindling an old post...)

    Pat, I always enjoyed ruddies . Easiest way to get them out of the holding box was to put your hand in with fingers spread wide, then when you pulled your hand out you'd have a ruddy clamped on each finger. Coots always draw blood with their toenails. Cliny
  19. C

    Bluebill Banding 2014... (Rekindling an old post...)

    Brad, Thing is, it is often so warm that after the first few birds we're down to t-shirts which provide NO protection. Clint
  20. C

    Bluebill Banding 2014... (Rekindling an old post...)

    I'll take either bills or Canadas over snows or specks. Snows love to grab belly or arm skin and twist like it's three-square root, and specks have an affinity for nipples. Clint