2025 Devlin Snow Goose Thread

Quick update, specific to the plans on case anyone else is considering an SG build.

I mentioned in an early post that the new (2023) plans, as Sam put it, had feet in both upside down and rightside up build camps (as they transition to upside down). He'd sent me some initial updates with design waterline measurements for some of the bulkheads, but as I went through the modeling process I identified some other questions and needs. Sam went through the entire plans again, and has send a revised version - so the most current Snow Goose plans are now as of 2/8/25.

In addition to my questions and observations, I'd shared that I planned to build "open" bulkheads rather than knee bulkheads in the cockpit section, noting that was a recommendation among builders here. He obviously liked that idea, as the latest plans include (in addition to knee dimensions) layouts for full bulkheads with a notation they could be optionally built for greater strength. It also turns out that the revised plan for the transom is for a long shaft motor.

Otherwise, I've gathered materials for building a strongback and will get started on that in the next few days.
Henry, I am super excited for you. Like you I am recently retired and have kept active with projects like these. Don't understand people who say they are bored. During the long days of taping seams I couldn't wait to be done. Now I can't wait to start another.
Enjoy, Richard
I've got 6 years to go, and I have no intention of being bored!
Henry, cant wait to see your SG come together, you are definately taking a methodical approach!
I've got 6 years to go, and I have no intention of being bored!
Henry, cant wait to see your SG come together, you are definately taking a methodical approach!

It will be fun to watch such a well thought out build come together and to see some new ideas take form.
Henry, I am super excited for you. Like you I am recently retired and have kept active with projects like these. Don't understand people who say they are bored. During the long days of taping seams I couldn't wait to be done. Now I can't wait to start another.
Enjoy, Richard
Yes, haven't been bored for a minute. My career required too many hours on the clock, and too many of my "off the clock" hours consumed with work-related activities and thought. I finally have time to pursue activities I enjoy, learn and develop new skills, travel and enjoy family, and volunteer. It has been rejuvenating, and even though I loved my work I don't miss it at all.

I've got 6 years to go, and I have no intention of being bored!
Henry, cant wait to see your SG come together, you are definately taking a methodical approach!
It will be fun to watch such a well thought out build come together and to see some new ideas take form.
Methodical and well thought out are probably a bit generous, but the proof will be in execution. This forum has been super-helpful, both in terms of direct advice and shared experience on the SG and other similar Devlin designs, and of the more general duck boat design, rebuild, and modification threads. I'm finding all kinds of solutions to the ideas and wants that have come to mind in considering and now planning my boat. I doubt there will be much "new", but rather that there will be abundant and recognizable plagiarism of others' great works.

It's daunting starting a project knowing I don't know a lot more than I do know - but I've been encouraged by the straight and sometimes frank advice I've seen on this forum. I suspect that will help avoid major errors as I stumble along. In other words, don't hesitate to share your experience and knowledge if you see me heading down a crazy path.
I am coming to the party late... But my Chessies always were is the splash well with no issues(when hunting).. transport they are at my feet in the cockpit. I think the splash well on the honker was closer to 20-24"... And made more like the wells on a TDB Sea class
Made some progress on the strongback frame this weekend - have the rest of the frame to build up and then can get to work on bulkheads to complete the form. I'll be making 2 temporary bulkheads from mdf, as I'll be moving a couple bulkheads from the plan and want to measure, cut and fit them after flipping the boat rightside up.

I should have my okoume in the next week or so, and expect to have the strongback and 2 temp bulkheads completed by then.


Is the boat being built at an auto repair shop? Wherever you are building it I recommend putting visqueen under your cradle, taped to the floor, to prevent making a mess of the floor when you get epoxy drips and spills. It's inevitable.

Is the boat being built at an auto repair shop? Wherever you are building it I recommend putting visqueen under your cradle, taped to the floor, to prevent making a mess of the floor when you get epoxy drips and spills. It's inevitable.
A friend and I lease part of what used to be an auto repair shop - for storage, for working on our older cars, and for various projects. Thanks for the reminder about the visqueen, I have a big roll ready to go.
I'll argue that one... I think it is neat as heck to have a boat shaped outline of epoxy on the floor.
Until your son skateboards though the garage, hits an epoxy clump, and goes flying across the garage with nothing but concrete to soften the landing. But yeah, the crime scene outline is a bit cool too.
I'll argue that one... I think it is neat as heck to have a boat shaped outline of epoxy on the floor.
I had a plastic cup of epoxy with a chip brush in fall on my floor and didn't notice it until it was cured. Can't tell you how many people tried to pick up that brush over the 5 years until I sold my house.
Finished up the strongback and the temporary bulkheads 3 & 6. Clamped them up to get an idea if where this is headed.


Picked out some nice, straight-grained Phillipine Mahogany boards today - they and marine plywood should get delivered Friday or Saturday. I'm fortunate that the youngest son in a family I got to know well many years ago is running an offshoot of his dad's old exotic wood business - so he's planing and facing the mahogany for me and delivering it all, as well. That gives me a couple days to get a wall spot cleared for the wood, and to get some epoxy and glassing practice on some scrap I've put together.
Waiting on wood delivery, and working through build process and hardware, etc. - and have a few questions for the experienced members on the site.

1 - Devlins plans don't have a glass schedule for the transom, nor have I seen that mentioned in his book or elsewhere. Other than glassing the joints, should the transom be glassed inside and out, or not? I'll be laminating two 3/4 pieces for the central section of the transom - glass between, or just thickened epoxy?

2 - Navigation lights - these things have gotten expensive! I'm back and forth mentally between wired vs portable, but leaning towards wired given the length of the foredeck and expectation of a dodger that would make getting from the cockpit to the front to mount/dismount a light more challenging. I'd appreciate any guidance you may have from your experience. Also regarding the stern light, and where you've found placement location to be best out of the way - transom v deck mount, etc.

3 - I've also been back and forth on how best to protect the hull. Our area is mostly sand bottoms - little to no rocks, though there are oyster beds. Rivers are sandy, too. Option 1 is to sheath the bottom with Dynel. Higher cost and weight penalty. Option 2 is to sheath with glass, then use one of the more abrasion resistant slick bottom systems (Gator Glide, Wetlander, etc.) - I've read sand eats through these pretty quickly, but certainly easier to recoat periodically. Any thoughts?

4 - Non-slip and abrasion-resistant surfaces for decks and sole - again, dynel is a possibility. I've seen GI mats recommended for the sole - still the recommendation? Any great experiences with additives for the deck?

5 - Sole access hatches to get to the hull for clean out - what have you used that you like (or didn't like)?

Thanks in advance!
Waiting on wood delivery, and working through build process and hardware, etc. - and have a few questions for the experienced members on the site.

1 - Devlins plans don't have a glass schedule for the transom, nor have I seen that mentioned in his book or elsewhere. Other than glassing the joints, should the transom be glassed inside and out, or not? I'll be laminating two 3/4 pieces for the central section of the transom - glass between, or just thickened epoxy?

All external surfaces should be glassed. It is common not to glass the floors, however. If you are not protecting them I'd glass the floors, but if using a mat or protective panel like dri dek, not needed. Common not to glass combings, but they are a major wear area, I glassed mine.
No glass in between transom layers that won't do anything. People hang 150 hp motors from 1.5 inch thick plywood.

2 - Navigation lights - these things have gotten expensive! I'm back and forth mentally between wired vs portable, but leaning towards wired given the length of the foredeck and expectation of a dodger that would make getting from the cockpit to the front to mount/dismount a light more challenging. I'd appreciate any guidance you may have from your experience. Also regarding the stern light, and where you've found placement location to be best out of the way - transom v deck mount, etc.

Look how I did my fronts, they are protected and out of the way and still 100% legal. People do all kinds of jankey ass stuff with lights that put them in the way or make them impossible to have legal because of placement. The "all around light" placement on mine is good for me. It is helpful for night vision (and legally required) to have the all around higher than the top of the head.

3 - I've also been back and forth on how best to protect the hull. Our area is mostly sand bottoms - little to no rocks, though there are oyster beds. Rivers are sandy, too. Option 1 is to sheath the bottom with Dynel. Higher cost and weight penalty. Option 2 is to sheath with glass, then use one of the more abrasion resistant slick bottom systems (Gator Glide, Wetlander, etc.) - I've read sand eats through these pretty quickly, but certainly easier to recoat periodically. Any thoughts?

Bottom contact on a wood boat isn't something you want a lot of even in sand IMO. Paint isn't as resistant as gel coat and the hull is soft underneath the glass (think a hard boiled egg - hard shell soft inside). I'd do 2 layers of 6 ounce glass minimum. There is a benefit to 2 layers of glass in that you don't have to tape the seams on the outside. The thick layup eliminates the need for tape. I went 5/6 ounce kevlar and 5/6 ounce glass on top. 2 layers is neat and clean and then you don't have to see or fair the tape edge that is under your glass.

4 - Non-slip and abrasion-resistant surfaces for decks and sole - again, dynel is a possibility. I've seen GI mats recommended for the sole - still the recommendation? Any great experiences with additives for the deck?

Parkers duck boat is non slip enough for me without added grit. I have a dri dek clone floor in mine and would do it again.

5 - Sole access hatches to get to the hull for clean out - what have you used that you like (or didn't like)?

Big hatches are nice. Shop made is the way to go IMO and what I did.

Thanks in advance!
2 - Navigation lights - these things have gotten expensive! I'm back and forth mentally between wired vs portable, but leaning towards wired given the length of the foredeck and expectation of a dodger that would make getting from the cockpit to the front to mount/dismount a light more challenging. I'd appreciate any guidance you may have from your experience. Also regarding the stern light, and where you've found placement location to be best out of the way - transom v deck mount, etc.
You could always build the lights into the hull.... I did these style lights on my current boat and I really like them and they are out of the way and push light out against the water so its seen easier by other boats. They portray out light more than you would think and when running tight river systems, it really compliments seeing whats on either side of the boat with the light bar shining forward. The only thing brought into question is the legality of this style. I have had my boat since 2018 and never had an issue and I have run all over the country in it. I still carry my little stock nav light that came with the boat. I always said if I got checked, I would just put it in the port (that I have never used) and said this my nav light and those are for vision purposes in the fog. But Ive been checked many times and never run into an issue with this setup.

All my boats have been to a switch panel for wiring and obviously power to the switch panel from a battery. I would think you could figure out how to run 1/2" pvc in the boat to organize the wire, or do a run of good insulated wire. Also let me just put this out there on batteries for these little waterfowl builds, lithiums are getting cheap. Look into redodo lithiums. I know some guys on the bass fishing scene that have gone to these and love them. I am probably going to make the switch in my boats as well once I wear out the AGM's i have now. They are so much lighter and have an app that connects bluetooth so you can monitor the charge on your battery. I know your boat wont be the smallest, but might as well get it done right. I use the NOCO onboard chargers and their newer series have the lithium recharge option. Just plug her in the night before you go out and know your batteries will be fully charged for the hunt the next day.

Here is the link to the rocker lights I used to do my boat. Just mount them to the side of the hull and wire them in together on the same switch.



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Bottom contact on a wood boat isn't something you want a lot of even in sand IMO. Paint isn't as resistant as gel coat and the hull is soft underneath the glass (think a hard boiled egg - hard shell soft inside). I'd do 2 layers of 6 ounce glass minimum. There is a benefit to 2 layers of glass in that you don't have to tape the seams on the outside. The thick layup eliminates the need for tape. I went 5/6 ounce kevlar and 5/6 ounce glass on top. 2 layers is neat and clean and then you don't have to see or fair the tape edge that is under your glass.
Not sure if wetlander is an option.... but on another thread it was recommended for a wood boat. All my boats have it on the bottom and its as tough as tough can be. Seriously hard to get it to rub off. I too run the nastiest sand bottoms you can imagine. I wear out a prop a season because of how sharp they get from the sand. I still have never had to redo any wetlander job I have done. Once its on.... its on. The only thing I can say though, I have only done aluminum boats, never a wood boat. So just keep that in mind.
I will chime in here. I do not have a snow goose but do have a boat very similar. I designed it by looking a lot of pictures of the Snow Goose

I used Lou's FME paint on my boat and it has held up very well. I used Interlux Intergrip to create a non slip surface on the deck and it has worked out well. Just put some in a salt shaker and sprinkle it on between coats.

For the sole I used a truck bedliner and would not do that again. It was great during duck season but was terrible in the summer. As it has worn out in spots. In particluler where I stand when running the boat so I purchased a 4' x 10' rubber mat on Amazon a couple years ago and it has worked great. I plan on getting some outdoor carpet to swap out this summer as the black material gets hot in the summer sun then the rubber mat can go back in for duck season. When I do it again I will use the Intergrip and rubber mat/ Carpet.

For the Navigation lights I would do like Tod did, out of the way not on top like mine.

A couple things that I did do that I am very happy with. In the bow I have 2 plugs. One where I can plug in a an extension cord to charge my deep cycle mounted in the bow with an on board charger also mounted in the bow. My original outboard did not require a battery so this was used for lights, bilge pump, and any other accessories like my trolling motor for summer time bass fishing. Now with my 40hp yamaha which requires a battery I have a switch that I can run all of the accessories from either battery that way I have some redundancy. The second plug is for the Trolling motor and headlights which get swapped out seasonally.

I mounted a hitch receiver in the bow. Currently I have 3 accessories that go into it. a Light bar. a cradle for my Marsh Rat with a light bar. and the Motor mount for my trolling motor. These get swapped out as needed. This has given me a lot of versatility with the boat.
I almost forgot. I put Glove It on the bottom and it has held up well for 15 years. However Like Tod said its best just to avoid rubbing anything on the bottom if you can help it. I always use 2 anchors on the bow and stern instead of beaching the boat if possible.