He,he... I probably qualify in that "older gentleman" category (but I don't feel like it yet!) All my hunts this year have been in that time frame, and I actually have had the most success between 11 & 2. Starting at a decent hour, taking time for breakfast, not stumbling around in the dark trying to set up at O-dark thirty, arriving at empty launch ramps are all a revealation. Wonder of all wonders is that at the end of the day I no longer feel beat and ready to fall asleep behind the wheel on the way home. Oh yea, did I mention I only hunt on weekdays now.... Go ahead Ed, send me another "I hate you " message. View attachment 11209 002 (600 x 399).jpgAn older gentleman told me a while back that if he can't kill a duck between 8am and 3pm then he don't want to shoot those early and late birds. He always came back to the ramp smiling, and pleased with his hunts.
That's why they sell tents and heaters! ;>);>)