All you east coast guys, check in when you can!

From what I can tell it wasn't as bad as predicted. There was a lot of flooding and a lot of the main roads were closed. We were evacuated 2times once from my house that is 2 blocks from the beach then from my Mom's house. We all came to my girl friends grandma's house. We are about 20 min outside Philadelphia. Wasn't to bad here lots of rain and downed trees. Lots of power outatges from trees hitting the power lines. The house where we are and the whole area around us has underground power lines so we never lost power thank god.

What has everyone worried now is all the rivers and creeks on the mainland are rising and flooding. All I know about that is what I have seen on the local news.

The casinos in Atlantic City closed for the 3rd time in history. They will reopen tomorrow sometime. All the roads leading to the shore towns and islands were closed and will reopen today aswell. The police website for the island town I live in says that you will have to show ID to get back on the island. I am guessing this is to prevent looting. My Moms neighbor stayed in there house to wait out the storm and his above ground pool broke open from a falling tree limb and spilled 1000's of gallons of pool water in his basement. He was worried about rain and ocean flooding he never thought about his pool busting. That's about all I have heard. Hope everyone is safe north of me. Stay safe and dry
Not on the coast but northern vermont is getting pounded. Got some 80' cottonwoods that line the driveway at my parents house that ive never seen bend so much. Just got back from the CWA decoy fun day and from conn to the canadian border its a wall of water.

Small streams and creeks normal to extensive flooding..A few trees down...No electric problems at my house by some spotty area outage...Just had to stay up most of night and pump the pool down 4 times....Rain gauge about 8 inches...Upper end of Delaware Bay into river super high tide...All in all good for me....
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Storm seems to have gone farther west than anticipated through New England. Nothing here but a few inches of rain, high but not flooded rivers, and a fresh breeze.

Some flood warnings on smaller rivers in western Maine, but it sounds much worse in NH and especially VT.
Northern VA, we were right on the line between not so bad and bad.... we had 2.5 inches of rain in the yard, and high winds. Our power flickered several times, but we never lost it. Leaves and small branches down in the yard. Starting to put back what I brought in.... sneakbox back in it's tent, will move the tools back to the boat shop as the needs arise. I had rolled up all the flapps and windows on the tents, and strapped down the tables and the layout boat inside so nothing was moved/damaged. Have not heard how the blinds survived... will get a report tomorrow. Happy the storm stayed east of us, and was not as severe as originally predicted.

I'm still here on the East End of Long Island. We rode it out on the Windy unscathed. We,ve been having a fantastic season. Had a party out on Saturday morning just before Irene hit, The swell was getting big but the Stripers were biting. We were limited out by 8:00 am with Stripers to 30 pounds. This little blow won't affect the fishing at all. Looking forward to the Fall Run and the opening day of Gunning Season. Come on out and do a Cast and Blast . Amorning of Montauk Eider and Scoter and an afternoon of Striper Fishing. It don't get any better than that.
Minor flooding here, maybe lost some mechanicals in the basement due to water over taking the pumps but Ok other wise. Had about 9" of rain in a little over 4 hours. Bad when the ground water was already at capacity.

Had a tornado track thru a few hundred yards away thru the woods. Weird a waterfall roar from afar. Can't say I want to hear that again...............

South in Del. Had a tornado damage about 30 homes..........
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Spent the night in my office at the Amtrak yard in DC. Rained all night, heavy at times with wind gusts. Left this morning, a few downed trees around the Capital building. Ride on 95 south was uneventful at 7:30am. Like Dave just some water draining off our hill and some broken tree limbs. Saw no real damage anywhere.

Bill V
We were far enough from the coast that it was simply a beat down on the trees. Both daughters have reported being without power and I'm just hanging in there with a 6" maple branch hanging on our wires. Since we still have power, phone and cable, the wires are live so I can't push the branch off. Still windy enough that everything is bouncing around. Hope the steel cable hangs in there a couple days until the power company takes care of all the big outages.


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Lost power at 8 last night. Came back at midnight. At 8:30 this morning we lost power and is still out. Thank god for the generator. Had about an 1" of water in basement, but nothing down there to damage. Our main rd is closed about 300 yards past my house because the upper Maurice river flooded the rd where it feeds into Union Lake. No damage, so I'm thankful.
Just checking in . There were some trees downed all over the island and there was some localized flooding but not nearly as bad as it was said to be. the worat i had to deal with was leaves in the boats and small branches in the yard. Thank god, one of my 8yr old twins on sat night was relly scared and crying .. but a quick game on the xbox and a promised fishing trip this week ended that..
Lost power @ 1920 last night and not sure when we'll get it back. Lots trees down in neighborhood and golf course. No apparent damage to house but neighbor's car squished by a downed tree. Getting tired of surfing the net with my blackberry.
Left DC to weather the storm at my brother's in York PA, had a wet and windy night and lost power sometime after midnight and before 5 am. Drove from York to Shippensburg PA then Hagerstown MD to DC today. Creeks are high, a few branches down along the way. Most of the trees and branches that were down were in really exposed spots with no protection from the east and north. Pretty mellow compared to a few other hurricanes I seen before.
All good here in North Jersey. Some roads were flooded out last night and earlier today, but the water seems to have made it's way to where it needed to go.

Wonder if/when there will be non-rain flooding, when all that water finally makes its way into the creeks and rivers.
