APRIL What's on Your Workbench


Excellent idea!

I have a tradition of giving one of my fancy birds to my gunning partners when they turn 50 (for most of them, that was awhile ago now....). A gunner for a new gunner is even better!

All the best,

Snuck in a sora rail . Started guiding rail hunts in 85 on the maurice river so it was only right i carve one. It was a lot of fun and frustrating at the same time . I need smaller fingers . Legs are epoxy over wire . Now its back to the black ducks . Added two more to the batch and trying to catch them up to the others . Family photo coming soon !
Story behind the picture of my son and i with squirrels....we were back where i grew up on a week long waterfowl hunt and he wanted to hunt squirrels for the first time so we went to my neighbor's woods where i hunted as a kid....i had shot 4 to his one when we met back up...he commented how they were hard to see and they ran fast up the tree....soon after we had one drop to the ground in front of us and he missed it before it climbed a tree....i told him we would sit tight for a little bit and let it calm down....after about 5 minutes i started mouth calling and the squirrel poked its head around long enough for my son to take it.....he then got mad at me and said i never told him about calling them....i replied back with "can't give up all the secrets the first time"....he reminded me of that for a long time, telling me i cheated....good memories....
Mr McCann, long time ago we can buy blank and mount it them self ... is it the same? we can mount a very good one at the fraction of the original price ..


Yes, same process. This is what I start with;


I'll post a photo or two when I am done.
Your loon look very good , the head is just perfect , look real ... to many carver made it to green ..
these are a couple of canvasbacks im adding to the rig! once paints finished they will get black walnut keels. This site is great, i feel like it keeps me on track but sometimes i find myself searching on here when i should be working on my rigs! Steve that drake is really cool, do make up a pattern for a bird like that, or do you just free hand it? either way really nice lines
Anyone know how to upload pictures from facebook or android phones to this site. I havent put up pics in a long while and would like to this month.

I figured it out...just finished this one yesterday

This woodie earlier this week

And this mallard two weeks ago

sorry for the size I couldnt figure out how to make them smaller.

A few years back a friend of mine saw my stretched canvas decoys at a local show and asked me to do her a favor and do a painting for commission. She had found an ad for an artist that did "Crate paintings". Most of the crate paintings I had seen were of pelicans on a post or something like that, but she found a picture of a group of geese as a crate painting and after some research found out the artist had died several years ago with no way of getting one of these paintings. When I called her to tell her my Chessie Lily passed she offered condolences and asked me if I had given the painting any thought. It was the first time I had thought about it in years since she asked me. It must have been the exact right time because I started brainstorming how to go about it and needed a project to keep my mind off of the loss of Lily.

Here is my (incomplete) version of geese on a pond "folk art crate painting". 2'x4' oil on wood.

layout sketch and neck painting.


starting to fill in the bodies.


more body fill and giving some depth and feathering.


Close to done with some highlights in the necks and feathering on their backs


My wife likes this painting so much she wanted me to keep it so I started another one (in the back round sitting on my table saw in the 3rd picture and glued up in the 4th)

I have made a frame out of barn wood and "aged" the areas around the painting. I will post some pics of it finished up.

I hope you enjoy it,

Beautiful birds! I especially like the full crowns - every bird has that confident look. Great paint style, too.

All the best,

Rich - Sweet Bills!

Ed - Love the spoonbill. We plan to do a spoonie hunt at our club this year with a spoonbill decoy rig! Can't wait!

Dave - Love the idea on the geese... Your wife is right, we need to see more of this...

Keep up the great work guys! Pat
Some really impressive work this month. I love this thread.

Rich, you really made something special with that batch of Bills very impressive.